Sofia Harper

About the author

In 2004, Sofia Harper began her writing career as a romantic suspense author. A bit problematic because she couldn't write anything mystery-like to save her life or even her characters. On a whim, she penned a contemporary where there was no dead body or explosions to save her from the dreadful middle slumps of a book. It was only the characters and what they had to deal with. She hasn't looked back since. She continues to write contemporary romances, mainly under a different pen, filled with sassy heroines and unlikely heroes. These stories are filled with one-liners, but heartfelt and sexy.

Outside of writing, Harper works as a mail clerk for the federal government, has a paralegal certificate (that she has more use for as a dust pan) and is a mother of two rambunctious children. She lives in California where the wine is good and, despite popular belief, is not always sunny. Harper plans to spend the rest of her days writing, raising her children and drinking good wine. Occasionally she'll brush her hair and get dressed, but that's optional.

Genres: RomanceAfrican AmericanAfrican American Women's FictionAfrican American Romance

Books by Sofia Harper

Entangled Indulgence

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