Shawna Rodrigues

About the author
SHAWNA GREW UP IN A SMALL TOWN in Southern Oregon in a family of six. Running around their property in the country cultivated her greatest memories and love of the outdoors. Her education and career led her on many paths and helped her discover that the lights of a cityscape were very different, but just as entrancing as the bright stars of a country night. As an avid traveler, she is just as likely to be on a beach as a bustling city or the peak of a mountain. Her favorite gift of travel is finally slowing down to have time to read–and to write. In 2017, when the world went sideways-as it sometimes does—she half-jokingly told her friends she needed to write or else the universe would keep giving her things to write about. And here she is interweaving life lessons with endearing characters and transformative experiences to create Women’s Fiction that helps us see how universal many of our experiences are and what a gift it can be to escape into the pages of a book.

Books by Shawna Rodrigues


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