S. L. Hansen

Thrilling stories set in the wilderness. Let's adventure.
About the author

S. L. Hansen is a Professor of Animal Science at Iowa State University and author of the recent novel The Yellowstone Convergence. An avid outdoor enthusiast and amateur photographer, she writes thrilling adventures set in the remote wilderness. After exploring more than a dozen national parks, it was only natural to write about them. She blames her ravenous appetite for books on her mom, who took her to the public library every Saturday as a child. Her bookshelves, both virtual and physical, reflect her eclectic tastes in literature, including adventure, crime thrillers, fantasy and science thrillers. She loves helping readers discover science through her writing. She’s known for casually asking her hiking partners where she might find the best place to dispose of a body on this trail. She often finishes her hikes alone.

Genres: Action & AdventureHard Science FictionSuspense

Books by S. L. Hansen


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