Royaline Sing

About the author

My first fiction work was a notebook-length movie script, featuring my favorite stars. I was probably ten. It hasn’t seen the light of the day (and it won’t).

Now, I write through the noise of my lovely two kids, a very supportive (but sweetly clueless) husband, and a bank job where numbers rule. I am currently writing Historical Romances, with heroines setting their own norms and coming toe-to-toe with heroes worth loving.

Born and brought up in India, I’m a huge fan of Bollywood romantic movies and the music. I also like all things Marvel! I love to travel and so many destinations are on my bucket list. Now, I live with my family in the unreliable weather of Cleveland and adore the fall colors here. We keep visiting our folks in India and them us. We are now one of the global families.

Find me at, on Twitter: (@ RoyalineSing) and Instagram: Royaline Sing (@royalinesing)

Genres: RomanceVictorian Romance

Books by Royaline Sing


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