Ray Pace

About the author
Ray Pace is a member of the Authors Guild. He lives in Waikoloa Village on the Big Island of Hawaii.

His works of fiction are:

Disappearing Act, A Las Vegas Love Story, Sort Of...,

The Babylon Deception,

Sea Change in Crimson,

Hemingway in Hawaii,

Bearstone Blackie, Detective, and

Captain Mike's Honolulu Fright Night Tour, a ghost story.

Hemingway, Memories of Les is a memoir dealing with Pace's friendship with Leicester Hemingway, author of My Brother Ernest Hemingway.
Genres: MysteryThrillersHard-BoiledTerrorism & Assassination Thrillers

Books by Ray Pace

Wise Guys You'll Love, If You Know What's Good For You.
Hemingway Matters

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