Nathalie M.L. Römer

Unapologetically Wordy...! Sweden
About the author

Nathalie M.L. Römer is an author based in Gusselby, Sweden. She lives here with her partner Anders. Before this, she lived for over two decades in Britain. She was born and initially raised in the Netherlands, and later also lived in Curaçao.

Nathalie considers herself a multi-genre author, publishing them under her imprint Emerentsia Publications she co-owns with her partner.

Nathalie writes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, horror and romance, and she's working on books in other genres.

Genres: Epic FantasyAmateur SleuthContemporary RomancePost-Apocalyptic sci-fi

Books by Nathalie M.L. Römer

In The Land of Keldarra
The Wolf Riders of Keldarra
L&L Investigates

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