NAK Baldron

About the author

Nicholi (N A K Baldron), is an author and adventurer, best known for his international bestselling series Chronicles of the Seventh Realm, where Science, Magic, and Two Worlds Collide.

He lives in a tiny house in a small town near Austin, Texas with his life partner Sabetha, and their daughter whom they homeschool together.

When he’s not crafting new worlds with the magic of words, he can be found backpacking on the many trails near his home. Nature offer’s Nicholi the room for his mind to wander, and sleeping under the stars helps him identify with many of the characters he enjoys writing about. He hopes his love for nature permeates his fiction.

At the bright age of twelve Nicholi discovered Eragon by Christopher Paolini. Realizing the author wasn’t much older than himself, he decided to give novel writing a shot. Obviously, plagiarism is wrong, so Nicholi wrote his “completely original” story about a farm boy who could speak to wolves. That novel will never see publication, but Nicholi looks to it as a reminder of where he came from, and as inspiration of how one author can change a young man’s life.

It would take another fifteen years of honing his craft before Nicholi published his first novel, and he wouldn’t change a single year of the journey.

Nicholi and Sabetha also write a dragon cozy mystery series together under the penname Verena DeLuca. She is also a major contributor to Aconite Cafe, Nicholi’s Publishing Company, and runs the reader discord server.

Genres: FantasyEpic FantasyScience Fiction FantasyUrban FantasyYA Fantasy

Books by NAK Baldron

Chronicles of the Seventh Realm
Magi Codex

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