Merry Farmer

About the author

Merry Farmer lives in suburban Philadelphia with her two cats, Justine and Peter. She has been writing since she was ten years old and realized she didn't have to wait for the teacher to assign a creative writing project to write something. It was the best day of her life. Her books have reached the top of Amazon's charts, and have been named finalists for several prestigious awards, including the RONE Award for indie romance.

Genres: RomanceAmerican RomanceHistorical RomanceLGBT & PrideRegency RomanceVictorian Romance

Books by Merry Farmer

The Royal Wedding
Hot on the Trail
Culpepper Cowboys
Winterberry Park
The May Flowers
The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version
Tales from the Grand Tour
The Brotherhood
Montana Romance
West Meets East
Starcross Castle
That Wicked O'Shea Family
American Mail-Order Brides
The 12 Days of Christmas Mail-Order Brides
The Fabulous Dalton Boys
The Noble Hearts: Book Three
Nerds of Paradise
Second Chance Manor
After the War
The Silver Foxes of Westminster
When the Wallflowers were Wicked

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