Marissa Harrison

Wine enthusiast, crime junkie and hopeless romantic Seattle, WA
About the author

I like to play devil's advocate when I write, and explore the human side of the most egregious behavior. I'll stare at the wreck and then ask myself, "why did this happen, and how do we stop it from happening again?" Of course, I have no solutions, just a vivid imagination. Also, I'm a little vindictive (in the most harmless way. Revenge for me is taking that last cookie you wanted and you'll have no idea I'm seeking revenge in the first place). I like to give my characters the chance to give what's coming to their adversaries (bah ha ha!).

I balance the darkness by singing show tunes to my guinea pigs and getting into wrestling matches with my husband. I have the energy of a caged tiger, so I love to hike and run and explore new places. And of course, nothing beats curling up by the fireplace with a glass of wine and a good book!

Genres: City LifeComing of AgeLiterary FictionCrime FictionDomestic Thrillers

Books by Marissa Harrison


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