Mariam Rahmani

About the author
Mariam Rahmani is a writer and translator. Her fiction and essays have recently appeared in GrantaGulf Coast, and the Los Angeles Times’ Image Magazine, and her translation in n+1 and Columbia Journal. Her first book-length translation, of the contemporary Iranian cult hit novel In Case of Emergency by Mahsa Mohebali, was well reviewed in The New Yorker and The New York Times and named a Best Book of 2022 by The New Yorker. Her awards include an American Council for Learned Societies fellowship and a US Fulbright grant. She holds a PhD from UCLA and an MFA from Columbia, as well as degrees from Princeton and Oxford. She currently serves on the faculty of Bennington College.
Genres: General FictionFamily LifeFeministLGBT & PrideMarriage & DivorceLGBT Bisexual

Books by Mariam Rahmani


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