Lorraine Margaret

Sexuality and Spirituality Intertwined. England
About the author

Lorraine Margaret is an unashamed maverick and idealistic dreamer who writes stories about fated, mystical love. Quirky, spiritual heroines and complex alpha males are her speciality. Her heroes are highly sexed and dominant but always revere the women they love. Lorraine believes sexuality and spirituality are irrevocably intertwined and ensures her heroes and heroines enjoy both to excess.

Lorraine is always thrilled when readers choose to read her kooky, sexy stories. She thanks them for their courage and support and loves to hear from them! Talk to Lorraine at [email protected], and follow her on bookbub.com/authors/lorraine-margaret 

Genres: Enemies to LoversErotic & Steamy RomanceFantasy RomanceParanormal Romance

Books by Lorraine Margaret


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