Logan Fret

Duluth, Mn
About the author

Logan loves life most when it's on two wheels, destination unknown and with his riding brothers and sisters. An 80's rocker without all the hair.

Books by Logan Fret

Three Rings SMC
The Devil's Children

Behind the books

When it was time to put the bike up for the winter, I wasn't ready to let go of bikes for several months.  So, I went searching for fiction about motorcycle clubs or riders in general.  I only found romance novelss, which weren't what I was looking for.  

I decided I would pass my winter writing a book that fit the description of the book I was looking for.  I figured it would take all winter if not longer to write a single book.  Before I knew it, I had a whole trilogy planned for the story arc.  

I never stopped writing.  If I wasn't working or with my band, I was in front of the computer writing.  I expereinced these stories as I wrote them, even crying at times.  Before I knew it, all three books were complete.  

They'll all be released over the course of a few months in 2021, and I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

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