K.J. Parker

About the author

K.J. Parker is a pseudonym for Tom Holt. He was born in London in 1961. At Oxford he studied bar billiards, ancient Greek agriculture and the care and feeding of small, temperamental Japanese motorcycle engines; interests which led him, perhaps inevitably, to qualify as a solicitor and emigrate to Somerset, where he specialized in death and taxes for seven years before going straight in 1995. He lives in Chard, Somerset, with his wife and daughter.

Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionEpic FantasyFantasy action & adventureHistorical FantasyHumorous FantasyMilitary FantasyAction & AdventureWar & Military

Books by K.J. Parker

The Two of Swords
Fencer Trilogy
Scavenger Trilogy
Engineer Trilogy
Five Stories High
Two of Swords
The Siege
The Corax trilogy

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