Kathryn Ross

About the author
Kathryn Ross is a professional beauty therapist, but writing is her first love. At thirteen she was editor of her school magazine and wrote a play for a competition, and won. Ten years later she was accepted by Mills & Boon, who were the only publishers she ever approached with her work. Kathryn lives in Lancashire, is married and has inherited two delightful stepsons. She has written over twenty novels now and is still as much in love with writing as ever and never plans to stop.
Genres: General FictionRomanceWomen's FictionContemporary Romance

Books by Kathryn Ross

Mediterranean Tycoons
Ruthless Tycoons
Boss's Mistress
Innocent in His Bed
Italian's Bride
Hired: For the Boss's Pleasure
Inconvenient Marriage
Do Not Disturb
Taken: At the Boss's Command
Collector's Edition/Island Romances
Nanny Wanted!
Big Event

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