Kasia Bacon

LGBT Fantasy Romance with Pointy Ears & Snark! London, United Kingdom
About the author

A linguist and an avid reader with a particular fondness for fantasy and paranormal genres, KASIA BACON lives in London with her husband. When not tearing her hair out over a translating project, she writes stories about the shenanigans of emotionally constipated assassins and sexy Elves. Otherwise, she can be found shaking her loins at a Zumba class, binging on anime or admiring throwing knives on Pinterest. A lover of MMA and Muay Thai, she also enjoys the great outdoors. She dreams of becoming independently wealthy, leaving the city and moving into her wooden mini-manor—located in the heart of stunning forests resembling those of the Elven Country depicted in her tales.


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Genres: Fantasy RomanceLGBT & PrideParanormal Romance

Books by Kasia Bacon

Don't Fight the Spark
The Poison Within
When I First Saw Red

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