Karli Rush

“I'm a romance kinda girl, but I have a Stephen King heart.♥
About the author

Karli Rush was born in the heart of the Cherokee Nation and lives in its capital. Her Native American heritage holds sway over her writing in many ways. She has the patience of a brain surgeon operating under fire in a war zone. You can chalk that up to her being the mother of an autistic kiddo. With the passion of a starving artist, she writes. The obsession to tell her tales have led her to write novels in the worlds of Dark Paranormal Romance, Dystopian, and Vampires. She walks in two worlds, one grounds her and the other frees her imagination.

Genres: General FictionParanormalUrban FantasyFantasy RomanceSci-fi Action & AdventureSuspense

Books by Karli Rush

Crescent Bound

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