Karin Lowachee

About the author
Karin Lowachee was born in Guyana, South America and moved to Toronto, Canada when she was two. Before her foray into fantasy, she wrote three highly-acclaimed science fiction novels - Warchild, Burndive, and Cagebird. Warchild won the Warner Aspect First Novel Award and Cagebird won the 2006 Gaylactic Spectrum Award and the Prix Aurora Award and was a finalist for the 2002 Philip K. Dick Award. She currently resides in Ontario, Canada.
Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionScience FictionEpic FantasyAction & AdventureComing of AgeAlien ContactMilitary Sci-FiSci-fi Action & AdventureSpace Exploration

Books by Karin Lowachee

The Crowns of Ishia

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