K.C. Ford

What the mind creates is wild. Canada
About the author

K.C. Ford writes spicy erotic romances with tall curvy women and taller, muscular men. She writes short stories, novellas, novels, standalone, and series with dirty-talking MCs and confident FMCs who know what they want and aren’t afraid to ask for it. Her books are low angst, contain tons of spice, and characters searching for and finding the right person or persons to give them all the Oohs and love along the way to a guaranteed HEA.

K.C. is more of an SM lurker, but you can find her on several platforms. You can also reach out on her website, find CW, first chapter previews, universal links to all her published works, and more. Happy Reading.

Genres: Contemporary RomanceDark RomanceErotic & Steamy RomanceLater in Life RomanceLGBT & PridePolyamory Romance

Books by K.C. Ford


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