Julia James

About the author
Mills & Boon novels were Julia James’ first “grown up” books she read as a teenager, and she's been reading them ever since. She adores the Mediterranean and the English countryside in all its seasons, and is fascinated by all things historical, from castles to cottages. In between writing she enjoys walking, gardening, needlework and baking “extremely gooey chocolate cakes” and trying to stay fit! Julia lives in England with her family.
Genres: General FictionRomanceSagasWomen's FictionBillionaires RomanceContemporary RomanceRomance Anthologies & Collections

Books by Julia James

Bedded by Blackmail
Greek Tycoons
Models & Millionaires
For Love or Money
Italian Husbands
Latin Lovers
Mistress to Wife
Secret Heirs of Billionaires
By Royal Command
One Night With Consequences

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