John Sandford

New Mexico
About the author

John Sandford is the pseudonym for the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist John Camp. He is the author of the Prey novels, the Kidd novels, the Virgil Flowers novels, and six other books, including three YA novels co-authored with his wife Michele Cook. Many of his novels, starring detectives Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers, take place in Minnesota, where he lived for 30 years.

Genres: MysteryThrillersPolice ProceduralsSuspense

Books by John Sandford

A Prey Novel
Night Crew
A Lucas Davenport Novel
A Virgil Flowers Novel
Night Watch
The Singular Menace
The Singular Menace Series
The Prey Series
The Best American Series ®
Letty Davenport
A Letty Davenport Novel
Prey (Lucas Davenport)

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