JL Civi

About the author
JL Civi is a music aficionado and time travel geek. Both turn up frequently in his work — often in the same stories — even when he starts off writing about something else.

Originally from New England, he currently lives in Texas with his wife and dogs. He hates talking about himself, even in the third person. Why are you reading this bio when you could be reading one of his books?

You can check out what artists he's listening to at Last.fm and/or follow the sporadic escapades of Timely Persuasion's nameless narrator over at LB-DG.com.
Genres: General FictionMysteryScience FictionAbsurdist FictionAdaptationsBiographicalHumor & SatireLiterary FictionMagical RealismMedia Tie-In

Books by JL Civi

Duty Calls

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