JG Foster

About the author
What's there to say about me? I always find myself very uninteresting. I am from Germany, but I have lived and worked in the UK, Australia, and France before moving to the US. My first work of fiction was in Germany, but I already lived in the UK. After several rereads, I decided that the book idea would be better as a film. So I attended a screenwriting class in London. I did not only finish this script but a second one as well back in the day. However, as life so often goes, my venture into writing was short-lived, and I shelved my notebooks along with all ideas. It took me a failed start-up to rethink what I wanted to do with my life and dusted up a couple of pages of a graphic novel concept. As I hadn't learned to draw to make this form of book work, I turned the speech bubbles into what now has become Jessie Grean. My first ever book. I am very proud of this achievement as I thought it would never happen.
Genres: General FictionLiterary FictionWomen's Fiction

Books by JG Foster


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