Jerry Vanschaik

About the author
Jerry VanSchaik actually did spend so much time at the Oregon Street Coffee house in Dayton, Ohio that they asked him to start working there. His love of coffee took him all over the midwest, to coffee companies of all sizes and to a variety of jobs within the industry.
One of those companies was a very new one called Starbucks, just opening in Chicago. Jerry started and kept a series of journals during his four years there. Over twenty years later, having survived several relocations to various basements, those journals became the source for Jerry’s first novel, Tripio.
Another thing Jerry helped start during those years in Chicago was a family. It was a calling that he never saw coming and partly because of that, considers being a father of four young adult children as his greatest work.
These days, Jerry is a recovering coffee snob. He drinks a decent pot of coffee every morning while he writes his novels.
Genres: General FictionHumor & Satire

Books by Jerry Vanschaik


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