JC Ryan

Gold Coast, Australia
About the author

Since the publication of his first book, The Tenth Cycle, JC Ryan's books received high acclaim from readers who bought more than 800,000 of his books and read more than 57 million pages.

Ryan has been married to his college sweetheart since 1978. They have two daughters, two sons-in-law, and one grandchild.

Before he started writing mystery-suspense novels, Ryan got a military degree and served as an officer in the military for seven years before a crippling back injury forced him to change careers. He returned to university, studied law, and became a lawyer, running his own private practice for more than fifteen years before he moved to another country, became an IT project manager, and finally, in 2014, got the opportunity to pursue his lifelong dream of being a writer.

If you want to know more about JC Ryan and when his next book will come out, please visit his website at http://www.jcryanbooks.com where you can download free eBooks and sign up to receive an email when he is about to release a new book.

Genres: General FictionThrillersAction & AdventureMilitary ThrillersSpy Thrillers

Books by JC Ryan

The Fulcrum
The Power of Three
The Inca Con
The French Girl
No Doubt
Duty Of Care
Donna Teresa
Under The Pope's Window
The Shanghai Strain
The Delphi Technique
Holes In The Wall
The Abyss

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