JC Andrijeski

Light and Dark, Love and Magic Los Angeles, CA
About the author

JC Andrijeski is a USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling author of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, paranormal mysteries and apocalyptic fiction, often with a sexy, romantic bent. JC has a background in journalism, history and politics, and loves martial arts, yoga, meditation, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, painting––and of course reading and writing. She grew up in the Bay Area of California, but travels extensively and has lived abroad in Europe, Australia and Asia, and from coast to coast in the continental United States. She currently lives and writes full-time in Los Angeles, CA.

Genres: Science Fiction FantasyUrban FantasyHard-BoiledParanormal RomanceApocalypticSupernatural suspense

Books by JC Andrijeski

Quentin Black Mystery
Gods on Earth
Alien Apocalypse
Angels in L.A.
Bridge & Sword Series
The Othala Witch Collection
Gate Shifter
Light & Shadow
Vampire Detective Midnight
Quentin Black Mystery Box Sets

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