Jane Buehler

Fairy Tales with Benefits North Carolina
About the author

I write cozy fantasy romances where everyday people (and fairies) have adventures and fall in love. They are lighthearted stories with action and adventure, love and magic, where protagonists learn to believe in themselves and find their courage. And yes, they are kissing books. They are the beach reads that Éowyn packs when she goes on vacation. I believe that by portraying positive relationships with good communication, romance novels can help readers envision such relationships for themselves, serve as a model of proper consent for young people, and portray diverse types of relationships and people. They can be a fun escape while still having depth and contributing to a better society.

Genres: FantasyRomanceDragons & Mythical CreaturesFairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyRomantic FantasyFantasy Romance

Books by Jane Buehler

Sylvania PG Version

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