J. R. Ward

Genres: Romance

Books by J. R. Ward

Black Dagger Brotherhood
Fallen Angels
Black Dagger Legacy

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A BLOOM IN WINTER by JR Ward is an adult, paranormal, romance story line set in the author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood World.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, t...

A BLOOM IN WINTER by JR Ward is an adult, paranormal, romance story line set in the author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood World.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from several omniscient third person perspectives A BLOOM IN WINTER, following two time lines and several intersecting pathways includes a plot to take down Wrath the Blind King, and the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Mahricelle ‘Mahrci’ Whestmorel is in seclusion, hiding in her family’s summer home Camp Ghreylke, in the wake of an arranged mating she does not want. Her father has sent his head of security, vampire Apex, and his assistant Mayhem, to set up a new security system, in an effort to retrieve his wayward daughter, and bring her home. Mayhem finds himself pulled into the aura that is our story line heroine, a woman who is struggling in the face of potential betrayal.

Meanwhile, Apex comes face to face with his past, a male he once loved, a male who continues to struggle with the demons from years before. Enter Wolven Callum, the male Apex thought he had lost. As each couple dances with their attraction to their significant others, the BDB begin an investigation into the murder of a once prominent member of the original Glymera, a society of rich vampires who appear to be on the rise, taking aim at Wrath and the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

A BLOOM IN WINTER is a story of a building betrayal, one developing relationship, and a rekindling romance. Mayhem has fallen for a female promised to someone else; Apex struggles with his attraction to a male who is too broken to let go of the past. The relationship between Mayhem and Mahrci is one of immediate attraction but Mayhem’s time at the Whestmorel summer residence is limited, and Mahrci is biding her time before she has to run again. Apex stood by Callum thirty years earlier, in the wake of Callum’s torture and abuse at the Wolven prison camp but Callum ran, and Apex has been hoping for the male’s return. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and intense.

The dynamic secondary and supporting characters include several members of the BDB including Wrath, Tohr, V,, Rhage, Qhuinn, and Saxton. We are quickly introduced to Sympath Blade, Mahrci’s ex Remis, and her father Whestmorel.

A BLOOM IN WINTER is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, greed and obsession, acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic, entertaining and captivating; the romances are fated and impassioned; the characters are determined and charismatic.

THE BELOVED is the twenty-second instalment in JR Ward’s adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, romance series. This is Nalla and Nate’s story line. THE BELOVED can be read as...

THE BELOVED is the twenty-second instalment in JR Ward’s adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, romance series. This is Nalla and Nate’s story line. THE BELOVED can be read as a stand alone but for back story and history, I recommend reading book twenty-one LASSITER, where most of the current story line begins.

NOTE: THE BELOVED is the start of a new series arc focusing on the next/second generation vampires and BDB warriors, although many of the previous BDB warriors make cameo appearances.

Told from numerous omniscient third person perspectives, following several intersecting paths, THE BELOVED advances the series approximately thirty-three years. Nalla, blooded daughter of Zsadist and Bella is struggling with her place in the family. For years the BDB have been pulled back into a war with the Lessening Society, and our heroine feels like an afterthought even though her life and her heart have the protection of the entire BDB. Nalla never expected to fall for Nate, the adopted son of Murhder and Sarah, a young man who spent years tortured and abused, a young man whose back story and suffering was much like her father’s.

Meanwhile, Bitty, has come unto her own, and with it, her own abilities are much more powerful. Able to ‘see’ certain outcomes and possibilities, Bitty is desperate to warn those who are battling themselves, but often times the warning may go unheeded by those involved.

As the Lessening society continues to grow in numbers and powers, their new leader begins to target individual members of the BDB, pushing those, sitting on the fringe, back into the family, where they belong.

THE BELOVED is a another complex and complicated story as many of the previous story line (LASSITER) questions remain unanswered. Several secondary characters who had promising possibilities are no longer mentioned or have disappeared, several had crossed-over from the author’s interconnected Fallen Angel series. The thirty-three year gap reveals a much older second generation, many of whom have had their transformations or about to go into their needings, yet the three decade jump comes with few details or highlights.

THE BELOVED is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control; depression and desperation; family and friendships, relationships and love. The premise is intriguing and intense; the romance is seductive and fated; the characters are determined, dangerous and frenzied but Nalla, Nate, LW and Bitty’s growth comes with the attitude of most teenagers struggling to form their own identities, and in this, I often felt like I was reading a YA story line. Although, now ranging in age from mid-thirties to sixties, the teenage angst is strong and demanding.
THE VIPER is the third instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD: PRISON CAMP paranormal romance series-a spin off/interconnected series from the author’...

THE VIPER is the third instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD: PRISON CAMP paranormal romance series-a spin off/interconnected series from the author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood. This is vampires Kanemille aka Kane, and Nadya’s story line. THE VIPER can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from third person perspectives, following several intersecting paths, using present day and memories from the past, THE VIPER continues to focus on the relocation of, and the Brothers search for the illegal supernatural prison colony used by the former Glymera to control the so-called deviants of paranormal society. No longer under the control of the once powerful Glymera, the colony has become the epi-center of drugs for Caldwell, New York.

Approximately two hundred years earlier, vampire Kanemille was sentenced to the original prison colony for a crime he did not commit. Along with hundreds of vampires and wolvens, Kane suffered abuse and torture at the hands of those in charge but a fire was about to force Kane to choose between the ‘Shade’ or something else. With the only light in his life, a severely scarred female named Nadya, Kane chooses something else, in an effort to go back and rescue the female with whom he will fall in love but all does not go according to plan when the vampires and wolvens set a plan into motion to rescue and release the prisoners inside, a plan that begins to crumble at the hands of their former jailers.

Meanwhile, the wolven Callum is falling for the vampire Apex, a vampire who once thought he was in love with Kane, but as the world begins to implode, Callum is captured, and the fall-out threatens his sanity and the man with whom he was falling in love.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including several members of the BDB; the requisite cameo from the Scribe Virgin, as well as the return of Lucan and Rio (The Wolf), and The Jackal.

THE VIPER is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, ethereal magic and mystery, acceptance and love. The premise is heart breaking yet engaging-both Nadya and Kane’s back stories are dark and raw; the romance is emotional but struggles in the face of past betrayals: the characters are broken but battling to move forward.

4.5 stars--LOVER ARISEN is the twentieth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, romance series focusing on the elite group of vampire war...

4.5 stars--LOVER ARISEN is the twentieth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, romance series focusing on the elite group of vampire warriors known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood. This is Band of B&stards warrior Balthazar, son of Hanst, and Caldwell New York homicide detective Erika Saunders’ story line. LOVER ARISEN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary but for back story and cohesion, I recommend reading the series in order or the previous book Lover Unveiled where Balz and Erika’s story begins. As per JR Ward’s style of writing, LOVER ARISEN follows several intersecting paths including the beginning or ending for another story line couple.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including memories of violence and death, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers. If you have not read book 19, Lover Unveiled, there may be spoilers in my review.

Told from numerous third person perspectives including Balthazar and Erika, following several paths, LOVER ARISEN continues to focus on the take down of the demon Devina, and the search for the location of an ancient tome, the Book of Spells. Balthazar is desperate to rid himself of the demon known as Devina, a demon who has taken possession of our story line hero in the wake of our hero’s last robbery and theft. Balthazar is desperate to locate the Book of Spells in the hopes of uncovering the how and why of his current predicament but a trip to a local bookstore has Balthazar, once again, coming face to face with the woman that calls to his heart, a woman who has seen more than anyone could have ever imagined. Enter Caldwell homicide detective Erika Saunders, and the woman/female with whom Balthazar will fall in love but not before Balz sacrifices himself to stop the insanity of Devina’s possession. What ensues is the building relationship between Balthazar and Erika; the return of an old enemy 2.0; and the relinquishment of love and a happily ever after for someone else.

Homicide detective Erika Saunders knows there is something else going on in Caldwell New York, something ‘other’, something not easily explained or understood, and meeting Balthazar our heroine knows immediately he is the answer to her questions. Falling for Balthazar means being pulled into a life she knows nothing about but a life that has experienced the devastation and horrific atrocities of monsters and demons. Hoping to eradicate the demon Devina from his life and his mind, Balthazar goes on a quest to uncover the truth but desperation calls for a violent end, an end to the possibility of his own future and love.

Nate, the adopted son of Muhrder and Sarah has fallen for the young vampire female Rahvyn but a night on the town ends in disaster, and Nate hangs between the precipice of life and the Fade. Female vampire Rahvyn aka Elyn, struggles with her powers, powers that are beyond that of anyone who has come before but with her powers comes the control between life and death, and in this, Rahvyn battles between head and heart knowing to use her powers, means someone else’s choice has been taken away. Nate isn’t the only being to have fallen in love with Rahvyn but to save someone means to sacrifice someone else.

The relationship between Balthazar and Erika begins in Lover Unveiled where Balthazar has had to wipe the memories of our story line heroine. Erika is struggling to remember recent events, a black void where several hours has gone missing. Literally running into Balthazar triggers something within Erika Saunders, a trigger wherein she knows Balthazar has something to do with the missing time. Balthazar knows that Erika is his mate but his life is no longer under his control.In an effort to protect the people he loves, Balz finds solace with our story line heroine, a solace that may be short lived in the face of his position with the Black Dagger Brotherhood. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and intense without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

Several of the Brothers make cameo appearances including Wrath, V, Butch, Rhage, and Tohr, while others by mention or recall; Jane, Manny, BDB doggen Fritz; and our beloved Fallen Angel aka Scribe Virgin Lassiter. We are introduced to Erika’s partner Detective Treyvon Abscott. Lassiter’s story line is next….yay !

LOVER ARISEN is the beginning of a new series arc for the Black Dagger Brotherhood. It is the story of family and relationships, betrayal and vengeance, love and acceptance, sacrifice and hope. The character driven premise is detailed, complex and captivating; the romance is fated and seductive; the characters are energetic, powerful and engaging.

4.5 stars--LOVER UNVEILED is the nineteenth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, vampire, romance series focusing on the elite group o...

4.5 stars--LOVER UNVEILED is the nineteenth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD paranormal, vampire, romance series focusing on the elite group of vampire warriors known as the Black Dagger Brotherhood. This is Sahvage, and Mae’s story line. LOVER UNVEILED can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

Told from numerous third person perspectives following several intersecting pathways LOVER UNVEILED follows Sahvage, a forsaken and ostracized member of the vampire race in the aftermath of another near fatal attempt on his life but for the female savior who reluctantly aids our story line hero. Mae is a female vampire who is desperate to locate a long lost artefact but in doing so reveals an ancient evil, who they themselves, is determined to possess that which does not belong. Having saved our story line hero, Mae is now connected by blood to the man who would one day claim her as his mate.

Sahvage has been abandoned by the vampire race, lost to the ravages of betrayal and power. Believed to have committed atrocities against his own kind, and long since dead and buried for his sins, Sahvage is neither dead nor buried, and is determined to stop the female that calls to his in her search for the secret of ever lasting life.

Meanwhile, several other story line arcs begin to take shape in the aftermath of the crash of a meteorite in Caldwell, New York:

The demon Devina, whom we met in previous story lines, has returned with a vengeance pulling in both the BDB and the Band of B*stards in her search for the ultimate book of power and magic. As the number of murder victims increase in the city of Caldwell, Devina is one-step closer to locating the book and all of its’ secrets.

Balthazar ‘Balz’, son of Hanst, and a member of the Band of B*astards finds himself in a precarious situation when his latest robbery comes with a bonus tag along. Believing himself possessed, Balz begins to pull away from the only family he has ever known, and into the direct line of fire by the local police.

Nate, adopted son of Muhrder and Sarah, finds Elyn, a young female vampire who claims to be lost and without family or support. Taking her to the BDB run Luchus House for troubled and recovering vampires, Nate struggles with issues back home but refuses to reveal the source of his pain.

LOVER UNVEILED is a story of betrayal and vengeance; power and control; desperation, secrets, grief and love. JR Ward pulls the reader into the familiarity of the BDB family, their unwavering support, and need to protect the Brothers they love. Not all of the Brothers make a cameo appearance but for one fallen angel, his future is about to unfold. The premise is haunting, complex and detailed; the characters are edgy, spirited, tragic and strong.

LOVER AT LAST is the eleventh installment in J.R.Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series and one of the most anticipated new releases for 2013 along with Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon...

LOVER AT LAST is the eleventh installment in J.R.Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series and one of the most anticipated new releases for 2013 along with Styxx by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Christine Feehan’s Dark Wolf (Skyler and Dimitri 2014). Lover At Last-Qhuinn and Blay’s storyline-has been building for several years and over the course of several books. And similar to Lover Reborn, the novel has more than one story arc developing with many sub-plots. Lover at Last is a turning point in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series and does not concentrate wholly on Qhuinn and Blay but subdivides the text into four separate premises, three of which began in Lover Reborn.

For anyone who does not follow The Black Dagger Brotherhood series, a little background into Qhuinn and Blaylock. These two BDB besties have been dancing around each other for years hence the ‘At Last’. Friends since childhood, Blay has been Qhuinn’s wingman for an endless number of sexual encounters, threesomes and backroom pickups on so many levels, but there is more to their friendship than Brotherhood and BFF-Blay is gay and has wanted Qhuinn for as long as he can remember but Qhuinn has had a difficult time accepting the fact that Blay wants more than friendship. When Blay finds release in a partnership with Qhuinn’s cousin Saxton, Qhuinn will become involved with one of the Chosen during her time of needing resulting in a pregnancy that will add another level of angst, complication and heartbreak to an otherwise fragile friendship.

Lover at Last is a revelation of sorts for both Qhuinn and Blay. As both males begin to reassess what it is they want from life the pair will be brought together by a small, but determined female, who wants nothing more than to please the males, as is her duty, of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Qhuinn’s heartbreaking backstory will set the stage for an emotional outpouring of months if not years of pent up frustrations between Qhuinn and Blay. Emotions will be flayed raw, things will be said in the heat of the moment and, hearts will be bared all in the name of love and the fear of losing the other half of one’s soul. But Lover at Last is more than just a novel about Qhuinn and Blay, LAL is the starting point for a different direction in the BDB series.

Assail, the vampire introduced in Lover Reborn, has replaced the Rev (Rehvenge) as the drug overlord of Caldwell but Assail’s assent has not been easy. Rich and powerful, Assail will find himself a target when he discovers that he is being tailed by a small but powerful human woman. And to further complicate his life, missing drugs and dismembered bodies all lead to a power play in the world between the Lessening Society and the vampire hierarchy. And as per the storyline arc, Assail will become obsessed with the woman sent to hunt him down and take him out. But there are more players in the world of drug distribution and mayhap there is a traitor amongst the Brothers who is willing to sell his soul for the right price.

Xcor, the leader of the Band of Bastards, continues his search for the King of the vampires and for the Chosen who had saved his life on the battlefield. But Xcor is shocked to discover that the female who has stolen his heart is with child, which adds a wee bit of a complication in his attempts to find and claim the woman he believes is able to tame the beast as well as steal his heart. For a powerful leader, Xcor is emotionally fragile with regards to Layla and his need to find the Chosen will have him losing focus on his original goal to take down the King and claim the crown for his own.

Lover at Last will see iAm and Trez, the brothers (and Shadows) once employed and indebted to Rehvenge, begin to ascend into a storyline that will focus on Trez’s reluctant betrothal to a would-be queen. As Trez’s life begins to spiral out of control, iAm will seek refuge and aid for his brother from a most unlikely source and in this will mesh their storylines with the BDB.

Lover At Last is a novel that is disappointing on some levels as it does not focus solely on its leading couple; the buildup and anticipatory factor of Qhuinn and Blay’s relationship had reached an almost feverish pitch that will come crashing down for some readers expecting a storyline of infinite proportions and possibilities. Lover At Last is a novel that builds on several developing storylines for upcoming books in the BDB series; it is a turning point; an end to this particular arc; but a beginning to a new direction. Now that all of the original players have found their mates, Ward must find a new set of ‘Brothers’ and males who require their story to be told and in doing so, I believe, lost some of the focus on Blay and Qhuinn.

But saying that, the BDB stories will continue with Layla’s pregnancy, the potential for another ‘needing’ on the horizon and the fight for the crown. Oh, and if you think the dead remain buried and forgotten, a surprising revelation will have you wondering who else is alive and well – could Elvis be the next resurrection?

Lover at Last is a well-written storyline that will please many and disappoint some. It is a storyline that has been demanding to be front and center for a long time, but may have lost some of its glory because of the build up of anticipation. Sometimes the thrill of the chase is better than the take down; the seduction more thrilling than the climax. Lover at Last needed to be told, but there is so much more that needs to be said and hopefully J.R.Ward’s amazing ability to tell a tale, will once again, bring our much beloved couples together.
3.75 stars: REVIEW: THE KING is the twelfth instalment in JR Ward’s The Black Dagger Brotherhood series focusing on an elite group of vampire warriors and their King. Like most of...

3.75 stars: REVIEW: THE KING is the twelfth instalment in JR Ward’s The Black Dagger Brotherhood series focusing on an elite group of vampire warriors and their King. Like most of the previous storylines JR focuses on more than one developing relationship and story as well as the continued war with the Lessening Society (not so much) and the Glymera (vampire ruling council). This is Beth and Wrath’s continuing story as Beth enters her needing and Wrath refuses his mate’s desire for a family.

The book focuses on several storylines as per Ward’s style and each may or may not overlap at some point in The King. Like all of her previous books, The King is not a stand alone novel as developing relationships and backstories continue throughout each instalment. The storyline fast forwards the series several months up to approximately one year.

Beth and Wrath: Beth wants a baby and Wrath’s continued reluctance will pit the mates against one another. Wrath’s tortured family past and the vampire’s history of birth and death are major obstacles that Wrath is unable to overcome. Beth and Wrath’s relationship will enter a difficult period, one where words will be exchanged and Wrath’s emotional stability will be questioned by the Brothers and his friends. Much of the ruling vampire history is revealed through flashbacks and memory at various storyline intervals.

Iam and Trez and Selena: This particular part of the storyline focuses on Trez’s relationship with the Chosen Selena but also on his destination as the Shadow Queen’s daughter’s consort. When an ultimatum is handed down, Trez makes a deal with the devil-one that will exact revenge for a wrong brought down on Trez but places Trez in a precarious position of losing everything and everyone that he loves. His future as the Queen’s daughter’s mate is still a question that will be addressed in the next storyline. We learn a little more about the why and the how of family betrayal against a once-beloved son.

Xcor and Layla: The continuing battle for the throne finds Xcor aligned with the Glymera and torn between his need for Layla and what he believes is his inherent right to the crown. When an offer is made that he cannot refuse Xcor loses sight of the reason he and the Band of Bastards returned-Layla is now the recipient of his desires. Xcor and Layla’s story will be difficult to accept for many readers. I do not feel the love or the attraction between the couple and I wonder how JR will redeem Xcor in the eyes of the Brothers and the reader. There was some definite drag in the story as it pertained to this couple.

Assail and Sola: Assail’s need for the human female Sola will pit the vampire against Caldwell’s drug lord and his minions. At the end of Lover at Last, Sola is kidnapped and her whereabouts is unknown. The reader is pulled into a nightmare where Sola fears for not only her life but her sanity and Assail fears he is too late to save the woman with whom he has fallen in love. This particular part of the novel also dragged in spots but JR is still building their story. To be honest, this particular premise feels disconnected to the main series. I am not sure of this couple’s purpose in the grand scheme of the BDB but hopefully JR Ward has something planned for this couple.

JM aka John Matthew: John’s seizures have returned with a vengeance. We all know John’s connection to Darius, Beth and the Brothers but the closer he and Beth become his seizures occur more often and more violently. Once John entered his post-trans phase his seizures were a thing of the past but the re-appearance come with flashbacks and memories that cannot be explained as post-seizure hallucinations. Will JM’s true identity finally be revealed?

The Brothers are secondary characters at this point and make a cameo appearance if only in thought or mention. In this, if you are looking for any Blay and Quinn relationship updates etc, there are none to be had. In fact, the focus of The King is The King and his struggle to retain the crown. There is little to no reconnection with most of the previous couples-Ward centres on the upcoming battles and, the building and dissecting of future storyline arcs. The world building continues with each instalment but is shying away from the ‘lessers’ and that particular series arc. There are definite moments of highs and lows; a few slow spots where you want to fast forward in the story; and others spots where you wish JR had revealed a little more information. I miss the Brotherhood banter and their one on one time with each other. JR Ward is no longer focused on the Brotherhood but on the introduction of new characters, new vampires and new directions.

Saxton’s connection to the Glymera is revealed as well as the family betrayal that is emotional and heartbreaking. You have to wonder why one continues to acknowledge those who destroy your heart and your soul. Saxton’s mate will have to be strong although Saxton himself is a male of worth.

THE KING is an emotional storyline as it pertains to Beth and Wrath. When history begins to repeat itself Wrath is lost in a world of what-ifs. Will he survive without the crown? Without his mate? Without the Brothers? He is a man who has lost so much and yet has everything he has always dreamed (of).

Lassiter makes a reappearance and in true Lassiter fashion-all I can say is-The King is alive and well and living in Caldwell, New York. Every story needs a little humor to offset the dark and emotional ups and downs. I can’t wait for Lassiter’s story. It will take an amazing woman to keep up with the manically hyper Angel.

Speaking of humor Ward interjects several contemporary and humorous moments that give the storyline familiarity and a modern feel. Although in future, the points may date the series to particular period in time e.g Miley Cyrus, twerking etc.

Overall, THE KING is a necessary storyline that brings Wrath’s family history full circle: the Glymera reap what they sow: and a look to the future ruling King. My only hope is that JR comes back to the Brothers but it doesn’t look like anytime soon with the Shadows-Iam and Trez-getting their story next.
4.25 stars--BLOOD TRUTH is the fourth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER LEGACY paranormal, romance series focusing on an elite group of warriors in training...

4.25 stars--BLOOD TRUTH is the fourth instalment in JR Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER LEGACY paranormal, romance series focusing on an elite group of warriors in training. This is Rexboone ‘Boone’ son of Altamere, and Helania’s story line. BLOOD TRUTH can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary. The Black Dagger Legacy Series is a spin-off from, and runs parallel to the author’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Several characters cross-over for cohesion and history.

Told from several third person perspectives including Boone and Helania, BLOOD TRUTH follows the search for a killer; a possible serial killer who is targeting young, female vampires at an underground club (Pyre’s Revyval) catering to vampire wanna-bes. An anonymous phone call to the Black Dagger Brotherhood pulls Boone into his first murder assignment, an assignment that brings our hero face to face with his fated mate. Enter Helania, a vampire female who is searching for person who killed her only sister. What ensues is the building relationship between Helania and Boone, and the potential fall-out as the killer is closer than anyone could have imagined.

Boone knows loss having suffered his mother’s mysterious death, and the recent murder of his sire but meeting Helania stirs something within Boone he could never have imagined, something that would bring our couple closer together towards their own happily ever after. Helania has struggled in the eight months since her sister’s murder. Desperate to learn the truth, Helania goes ‘undercover’ at the local club in search of the person responsible for destroying her life.

Meanwhile, Boone’s life at home spirals out of control when a number of the Glymera (rich and powerful vampires) are murdered including the man he has come to call father. As Boone prepares to send his father into the ‘Fade’, our hero will discover that his father kept many secrets, secrets that are about to be revealed.

The relationship between Boone and Helania is one of immediate attraction but Helania becomes a suspect when Butch O’Neal’s experience as a detective tells him Helania knows more than she is willing to reveal. Protective of the female he will come to call mate, Boone’s need to bond will be overridden by Helania’s need to remain independent and strong. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large and familiar ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Black Dagger Brotherhood (Wrath, Butch, Tohr, V, Rhage, Dr. Havers, Doc Jane, Saxton) as well as the ever popular doggen Fritz; BoB’s Zypher, Syn and Balthazar; the re-appearance of Boone’s fellow trainees, as well as Boone’s friend Rochelle; his father Altamere, and the numerous members of the Altamere household including his father’s butler Marquist.

BLOOD TRUTH is a story of betrayal, revenge, family and blood. Secrets are revealed; vengeance takes aim at the innocent and young. The premise is engaging, entertaining and energetic: the romance is seductive and intense; the characters are familiar, dynamic, and colorful.
BLOOD VOW is the second installment in J. R. Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER LEGACY paranormal, romance series-a spin off from Ward’s number one selling Black Dagger Broth...

BLOOD VOW is the second installment in J. R. Ward’s contemporary, adult BLACK DAGGER LEGACY paranormal, romance series-a spin off from Ward’s number one selling Black Dagger Brotherhood series. BLOOD VOW follows two separate paths that converge and overlap throughout the story. This is BDB recruit Axe, and aristocratic female/ psychology major Elise’s storyline, as well as Mary and Rhage’s struggle to keep their small family together.

NOTE: If you have NOT read THE BEAST there may be some spoilers in my review.

Told from several third person points of view BLOOD VOW looks at family, friendship, brotherhood and love. Axe, a BDB warrior in training has lost everything in his life. Alone, unmated and angry at the world Axe finds himself in need of a quick influx of cash and when an opportunity presents itself our hero ‘volunteers’ to be the personal bodyguard to a member of the glymera. Enter Elise, an aristocratic female vampire, who is struggling for her independence from an over protective father following the recent murder of a female cousin. What ensues is the back and forth developing relationship between a woman of wealth, and a man who believes he is not worthy of love, and the Legacy trainees dangerous encounter with the Lessening Society.

Rhage and Mary couldn’t be happier now that their family has grown with the addition of Bitty- the young, pre-trans female vampire whose earlier years were marked with neglect and abuse. But Rhage and Mary always knew that Bitty was not completely without blood relations and their worst fears are realized when someone answers their social media search. What ensues is Rhage and Mary’s struggle to keep strong facing the possibility of losing the little girl everyone has grown to love.

BLOOD VOW is an emotional story line that divides its’ focus between the The Black Dagger Legacy, and the original BDB characters but I felt that Mary and Rhage’s story line would have been better suited to the original series as it continues the premise started in THE BEAST. Mary and Rhage are NOT part of the Legacy and yet their emotional battle to retain the child that they love takes up a good portion of BLOOD VOW.

All of the previous story line characters play secondary and supporting roles-Paradise, Peyton, Craeg, Novo and Boone, as well as the introduction of Ruhn who may or may not have caught the eye of the BDB’s legal counsel Saxton. Several (if not most) members of the Black Dagger Brotherhood have cameo roles throughout the story including our resident fallen angel Lassiter whose Christmas plans are left hanging in the balance.

BLOOD VOW is a remarkable story line; an engaging, creative and spirited look at one couple’s struggle to keep their family together; and one man’s desire to be accepted by the woman that he loves. The premise is dramatic and heartbreaking; the characters are colorful and energetic; the romance is passionate and intense. J. R. Ward’s BLOOD VOW is a revealing and intense story of family and love.

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