Holly Newman

History, Mystery, Romance, and Humor....19th Century Style
About the author

Holly Newman is the pseudonym for Holly Thompson. She lives in Bradenton, FL with her fiance Ken and six cats. She became interested in the Regency period while in high school when she volunteered at her local community library to reshelve returned books. Every week there were Georgette Heyer novels to be shelved. Curious, she checked one out and became immersed in the world of the regency. Ten years later she became involved in a regency historical re-creation group complete with the mode of dress, manners, and dancing. It was no wonder that when it came to writing a novel, regencies were high on the list.

Genres: American RomanceHistorical RomanceRegency RomanceWestern Romance

Books by Holly Newman

Flowers & Thorns
A Chance Inquiry

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