Glynna Kaye

About the author
Glynna Kaye treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns, and vacations spent with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to family gatherings where they shared hours of what they called “windjammers”—candid, heartwarming, poignant and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Glynna now lives in Arizona, and when she isn’t writing she’s gardening and enjoying photography and the great outdoors.
Genres: General FictionRomanceAmish & MennoniteChristian FictionHoliday booksReligious & InspirationalSmall Town & RuralChristian RomanceClean & Wholesome RomanceContemporary Romance

Books by Glynna Kaye

Texas Twins
Hearts of Hunter Ridge

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