
About the author
Gihef, whose real name is Jean-François Baudot, was born in Belgium and grew up in France. Following his meeting with the cartoonist Eric Lenaerts, he moved toward a more realistic style of drawing. In 2001, he signed his first album, RIP Limited, with Nucléa. He then published comics at Vents d'Ouest and Dupuis. Gihef then turned to what really fascinates him: comic scenarios like OSS 117, L'Envers des Contes or Mister Hollywood. The origins of his universe is steeped with Nordic mythology which serves as the stage for the his series, Sirens and Vikings.

Jul Maroh is the author of the graphic novel Blue Is the Warmest Color, the New York Times bestseller that was made into an acclaimed and controversial film that won the Cannes Film Festival Palme d'Or in 2013. They are also author of the graphic novels Skandalon and Body Music. They live in Angouleme, France.
Genres: LGBT & PrideLGBT Lesbian

Books by Gihef


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