G.R. Macallister

About the author
G.R. Macallister is an author who also writes historical fiction under the name Greer Macallister. Her first novel, The Magician’s Lie, was a USA TODAY bestseller. Her novel Girl in Disguise was inspired by pioneering 19th-century private detective Kate Warne and fearless journalist Nellie Bly, respectively. Her new book, The Arctic Fury, was named a LibraryReads pick and a spotlighted new release at PopSugar, Libro.fm, and Goodreads. A regular contributor to Writer Unboxed and the Chicago Review of Books, she lives with her family in Washington, DC.
Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionEpic FantasyFantasy action & adventureFeminist

Books by G.R. Macallister

Five Queendoms, The

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