Eileen Joyce Donovan

About the author

Although born in New York City, where she spent most of her life, Eileen Joyce Donovan has lived in six states and visited most of the others. She earned her MA in English at Northern Arizona University. In one way or another, she’s been writing her entire life, whether it was imaginative stories for friends, or advertising copy for industrial clients.
But she never felt her stories were “good enough” to be published. At the persistent urging of her husband, she finally agreed to seriously edit and revise one of them and take the plunge. Although accepted for publication, the book never made it all the way to print. However, this gave her the courage to pursue her dream of becoming a published author.
Years later, her persistence paid off and her debut historical fiction, Promises, won the 2019 Marie M Irvine Award for Literary Excellence. A Lady Newspaperman’s Dilemma won the 2021 When Words Count nationwide competition. Her short stories have appeared in various anthologies, including the 2021 Chicken Soup for the Soul, Blessings of Christmas.
She lives in Manhattan, New York and is a member of Authors Guild, Women’s National Book Association, Women Fiction Writers Association, and The Historical Novel Society.

Genres: General FictionCity LifeHistorical FictionWomen's Fiction20th Century RomanceAmerican Romance

Books by Eileen Joyce Donovan


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