Dr. Veronica Wigberht-Blackwater

About the author

Trailblazing cryptozoologist and feminist Dr. Veronica Wigberht-Blackwater turned a lifelong interest in folklore and biology into an academic and professional career. After earning her PhD, she traveled the world to research her debut text, What the Locals Know, which presents evidence of the existence of supernatural creatures. That research became the foundation for The Compendium of Magical Beasts. Unable to find a publisher, Dr. Wigberht-Blackwater instead traveled the globe and continued her research for the rest of her life. Veronica's home was in Washington state, alongside a variety of animals, plants, and human companions who shared her love of the fantastic.

Genres: FantasyGeneral FictionScience FictionDragons & Mythical CreaturesFairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & MythologyFantasy action & adventureMagical RealismTime Travel

Books by Dr. Veronica Wigberht-Blackwater


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