D.L. Gardner

A story should last from one generation to the next. Pacific Northwest USA
About the author

I love the ocean breeze and mountain wildflowers, and I write them in all my books! My life is an adventure be it at home with my garden, my family, or my art studio my passion is to take that adventure into other worlds with me! I love the world of make-believe because it takes me back to my childhood, and really we're only as old as we feel. Wasn't it C.S. Lewis who said someday we will be old enough to read fairy tales again!

How much richer our lives become when we can see past our own reality!


Genres: FantasyHistorical FantasyHumorous FantasyRomantic FantasyHoliday booksSagas

Books by D.L. Gardner


Behind the books

The Ian's Realm Saga is a best-selling award-winning saga for young adults that has delighted boys and girls, men and women since its first publication.

Now I'm about to launch a similar adventure, character-driven fantasy romance for adults on Kickstarter that I hope you'll take a look at. Sword of Cho Nisi

Sword of Cho Nisi is an adult high fantasy romance, between a young princess whose goal is to be a warrior until she makes a fatal mistake, costing her everything she’s ever hoped to have…

…and a young man who’s thrust upon a throne he never wanted, is pitted against an enemy he never asked for and falls in love with a woman he is forced to exile.

But there’s a lot more than a love story to Sword of Cho Nisi in this trilogy.

There are kings, and emperors, castles and river towns, skura, falcons, mountain giants, a dragon, and a wizard who has gained enough power to rule the world but seeks one more treasure…

…to gain immortality at the expense of mankind.

Come follow and get notified on launch day!

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