DJ Cooper

About the author
DJ Cooper is a prominent author of the apocalypse with her Dystopia series of books and other works. She holds a Bachelor of Artis in English and is currently, a student at Southern New Hampshire University studying for a Master of Science in Marketing.
She spends time working with other indie authors through Angry Eagle Publishing and Authors of the Apocalypse. A prominent figure in the preparedness community with Prepper Podcast Radio Network. she is the Executive Producer, host of Surviving Dystopia, and The Written Apocalypse. Founder and CEO of Angry Eagle Publishing and POSH Media, she works to bring knowledge through varied forms of media. Find out more at
Genres: Science FictionThrillersDystopianHigh-tech & Sci-fi Thrillers

Books by DJ Cooper

Insurrection Trilogy
Angry Eagle Anthology
Nine Meals from Anarchy
Apocalypse Fire
Shadow Wars
Altered Resonance

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