Danielle M. Wong

About the author

Danielle Wong has never met an adventure she did not love. She began traveling at a young age, developed a permanent case of wanderlust, and never looked back. Each place possessed a singular kind of thrill and sparked a unique feeling—a sentiment she aspired to immortalize through her writing. An extended visit to England inspired Danielle’s debut novel, Swearing Off Stars. The book was published to critical acclaim, winning an Independent Press Award, a Benjamin Franklin Award, and an International Book Award, among others. Author by day and reader by night, she enjoys creating and consuming all forms of media. Danielle’s work has appeared in Harper’s Bazaar, The Huffington Post, PopSugar, and Writer’s Digest. She has multiple short stories published in the Be the Star You Are! series and is currently writing her next novel.

Genres: Historical FictionWomen's Fiction

Books by Danielle M. Wong


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