Chasity Bowlin

About the author

USA Today Best Seller, Winner of the 2019 Romance Through the Ages Award for Georgian/Regency Romance, and 2020 RONE Award winner, Chasity Bowlin is the author multiple bestselling historical romance novels, both independently and with Dragonblade Publishing. She lives in central Kentucky with her husband and their menagerie of animals. She loves writing, loves traveling and enjoys incorporating tidbits of her actual vacations into her books. She is an avid Anglophile, loving all things British, but specifically all things Regency.

Growing up in Tennessee, spending as much time as possible with her doting grandparents, soap operas were a part of her daily existence, followed by back to back episodes of Scooby Doo. Her path to becoming a romance novelist was set when, rather than simply have her Barbie dolls cruise around in a pink convertible, they time traveled, hosted lavish dinner parties and one even had an evil twin locked in the attic.

Genres: RomanceRegency Romance

Books by Chasity Bowlin

Wedding Wager
The Hellion Club
The Dunne Family Series

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