Carolyn McSparren

About the author
Horses are important to the characters in most of Cariolyn McSparren's Harlequin romances.She rides a 17.2 hand half Clydesdale and drives a 16.2 hand half Shire mare to a carriage.. Carolyn has won three Maggie Awards and was twice a finalist for the Rita Award. She has lived in Germany, France, Italy, and twoo many cikties in the U.S.A. to count. She holds a master's degree in English. She lives in an old house outside Memphis, Tenessee, with three cats,three horses and one husband,.
Genres: General FictionRomanceAnimalsFamily LifeSmall Town & RuralWomen's FictionClean & Wholesome RomanceContemporary Romance

Books by Carolyn McSparren

Count on a Cop
By the Year 2000
Family Man
Guaranteed Page-Turner
Safe Haven
Single Father
Creature Comfort
Williamston Wildlife Rescue

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