Barb DeLong

Writing the magic of love, laughter and happily ever after! Mission Viejo, California
About the author

Barb loves reading, writing and animals, not necessarily in that order. She writes contemporary and paranormal stories of love, laughter and magic, and you're gonna know there'll be a feature creature in there somewhere. Her short stories appear in a number of anthologies, including Secrets of Moonlight Cove, Love For Christmas, The Truth That Can't Be Told and The Truth That Can't Be Told 2. She is currently working on a paranormal romance series called Keepers of Magic, about a society of witches desperate to keep their existence a secret. The first in the series, The Witch Whisperer, is currently under contract with The Wild Rose Press, with a release date of Jan. 30, 2023. A transplant from the Canadian cold, Barb enjoys sunny Mission Viejo, California, with her husband and a pampered, blue-eyed ragdoll cat. You can find her at:



Genres: Humorous FantasyContemporary RomanceFantasy RomanceParanormal RomanceRomance Anthologies & Collections

Books by Barb DeLong


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