B. J. Daniels

Genres: RomanceContemporary Romance

Books by B. J. Daniels

Code Red
Whitehorse, Montana: Chisholm Cattle Company
Lost & Found
McCord Family Countdown
Hidden Identity
Montana Hamiltons
Beartooth, Montana
Trueblood Dynasty
Trueblood, Texas
McCalls' Montana
Whitehorse, Montana: Winchester Ranch Reloade
Montana Justice
Buckhorn, Montana Novel
Sterling's Montana
Montana Cahills
Whitehorse, Montana: The Clementine Sisters
Dangerous Men
Whitehorse, Montana
Whitehorse, Montana: Winchester Ranch
Texas Confidential
Cascades Concealed
Eclipse & Mists of Fernhaven
Miami Confidential
Cape Diablo
Montana Mystique
Moriah's Landing
Whitehorse, Montana: Winchester Ranch Reloaded
Whitehorse, Montana: The Corbetts
Cardwell Cousins
Safe Haven
Whitehorse, Montana: The McGraw Kidnapping
Cardwell Ranch: Montana Legacy
Colt Brothers Investigation
Powder River Novel
Silver Stars of Montana

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