Amy Lynn McConahy

Hope that the sun will set on the evil and rise on the good. New Castle, PA
About the author

Amy Lynn McConahy is a fifth-generation resident of a small town in Pennsylvania. She is a wife, mother of three rambunctious children, a church worship leader, and a majestic maven of the domestic domain. Above all, she is a child of God who is constantly seeking His light. Many of the experiences in her books are pulled from real-life reference. She has always loved the medieval time period, anime/manga, and children's literature. She has combined these passions to write several children's books, a full length novel, and to participate in an anime themed devotional. If she would have you take one thing from the reading of her books/writings, it would be hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope that the sun will set on the evil and rise on the good. Hope that Love will conquer all.

Genres: FantasyChristian Fantasy

Books by Amy Lynn McConahy


Behind the books

My novel "Dreamlight" was a labor of love. I started writing the book when I was 10 years old and after 23 more years of experience my manuscript came to fruition. God is good. With His leading as well as the help from an All Star Editor this is by far the best thing I have ever written. It is almost painful to release something so personal and meaningful into the harsh light of the public, but I am willing and ready to see where the Lord takes it.

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