Ally Blake

About the author

Australian novelist Ally Blake is a redhead, a footy fan, and a devotee of the language of Aaron Sorkin. She is addicted to stationery and M&Ms, weak in the face of Italians and firefighters, married to a spectacular and ever-patient man, mum to three beings of pure delight, and a firm believer in love, luck, and fairies.
She is also a best-selling romance writer with more than twenty-five fun, flirty romance novels under her belt. Published through Harlequin Mills and Boon and Entangled Publishing, and author of the romantic adventure Facebook page 50DaysWithRose, over three million copies of Ally's books have sold worldwide.

Genres: Romance

Books by Ally Blake

Entangled Indulgence
Head Over Heels
Taken by the Millionaire
9 to 5
Nights of Passion
It Starts With A Touch...
In Bed with the Boss
Royals of Vallemont
Fairytale Summer!
Billion-Dollar Bachelors
One Year to Wed

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