Alexandra Isobel

There's an interracial romance for everybody Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
About the author

Alexandra is a Canadian romance writer who sees the romance in everyday life and mixes it into her love stories.

She thrives on visual inspiration so is a die-hard movie junkie and photography hound - both of which keep her imagination humming.

She's definitely a crazy introvert who secretly lusts after her own alpha hero characters, and wishes she could be just like heroines one day!

Living in Ottawa, a very culturally diverse city she can't help being drawn to mixed and interracial (swirl) couples.

Genres: Holiday RomanceMilitary RomanceMotorcycle Club RomanceMulticultural & Interracial RomanceRomance Anthologies & CollectionsSecond Chance Romance

Books by Alexandra Isobel

Chimera Team
SEALs and Sorority Sisters

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