A.C. Fuller Founding author

Stories at the intersection of media, politics and tech Seattle area
About the author

A.C. Fuller writes fiction at the intersection of media, politics and technology. Before he began writing full time, he was a journalist in New York, an adjunct professor of journalism at NYU and an English teacher at Northwest Indian College.

A.C. has also taught writing for the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, the Write in the Harbor Conference, the Royal City Literary Arts Society, the Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network, and many local libraries. He lives with his wife, two children, and two dogs near Seattle.

For a free copy of one of A.C.'s books, join his Facebook reader group at www.facebook.com/groups/A.C.Fuller/ or sign up on his website at www.acfuller.com

Genres: ThrillersInternational Crime & MysteryFinancial ThrillersMedia ThrillersPolitical ThrillersPulp ThrillersTerrorism & Assassination Thrillers

Books by A.C. Fuller

The Crime Beat
An Alex Vane Media Thriller

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