A. D. Hay

London, United Kingdom
About the author

A.D. Hay is a passionate bibliophile and can usually be found reading a book, and that book will most likely be a murder mystery. Amelia is the author of Missing, the first book in the James Lalonde mystery series. The Candidate is the first book in the Rookie Reporter Mystery series.
When not absorbed in a gripping page-turner or writing her James Lalonde series, Amelia loves to travel around Europe, drink tea, rosé, and eat pizza. She is obsessed with journalism, art history and is a closet religious thriller fan. Amelia was born in Brisbane, Australia and spent the last ten years living in London, where she lives with her husband, Roland.

Genres: MysteryInternational Crime & MysteryPrivate Investigators

Books by A. D. Hay

James Lalonde
Part of: James Lalonde
Rookie Reporter Mystery

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