Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Well, book #2 in this series definitely did not let me down! If anything, I think I loved it even a little bit more than the first book! Shattered Worldpicks up right where Broken World left off, and the gang is rescued and allowed into the shelter – by a movie star!
The zombies.
The zombie apocalypse is now in high gear!! Like the synopsis says, the safety of shelter life doesn’t last long. Vivian and the others have to go out into Las Vegas to get supplies – food and fuel – and the trips are full of zombie action and near-death experiences (and some actual death experiences!). If you thought there weren’t enough zombies in the first book, you won’t be disappointed again!
New characters and relationships.
There were quite a few new characters introduced – both people who were already residing in the shelter and people who are picked up on the various trips out to Las Vegas. My favorite was definitely Vivian’s roommate – a movie star, who Vivian originally doesn’t think very highly of, but she quickly becomes a good friend. Then there’s the old plastic surgeon, who is grieving over his dead wife. He ends up being an important character later in the book! In general, in the shelter, we’re able to see the relationships among all of these people develop more – because they have a relatively safe environment in which to interact. I loved seeing how all of the relationships played out. Especially the main romance …
The romance.
Just like the zombie action, the romance also picks up in this book. I was definitely shipping Axle and Vivian in the first book, so I was REALLY happy to see them get together in book #2. But it isn’t easy for either of them to acknowledge their feelings – after all, they both have their share of baggage. So, we got to see them work their way up to a relationship, which I loved!
The negatives:
There is one new character who’s introduced that made me roll my eyes a little because it was just a little too coincidental. But this character did add a really interesting dynamic to the book, so I could forgive the coincidence!
This book ends with a bit of a cliffhanger too. Guess I’ll have to be on the edge of my seat until January!
If you’re looking for a great zombie series, check this one out! I am happy to say that the second book in the series continued the excitement and character-driven story that we got in Broken World. 5/5 Stars.