“To courage and to truth.” Two virtues, one simple but powerful toast - and I can’t think of a better thematic summation of this amazing story. I knew I would love sweet Keaton’s ...
“To courage and to truth.” Two virtues, one simple but powerful toast - and I can’t think of a better thematic summation of this amazing story. I knew I would love sweet Keaton’s story, but I had no idea the depths to which his story would move me, how Keaton and Austen would totally own my heart. THIS STORY IS EVERYTHING. Keaton and Austen filled me with such love. Adoring Keaton has everything I adore about this amazing series- angst, that Kennedy family drama, a dynamic cast of riveting primary and secondary characters, and the perfect balance of heart, heat, and humor. By those merits alone I would love this story- but Keaton in his quiet and tender way has snuck up on me...and now, Adoring Keaton is tied for my favorite Kennedy story ever. Not only because of its deeply beautiful love story, but because of the important themes Siobhan isn’t scared to explore. Adoring Keaton is courageous in its truth- it is heart-warming, poignant, beautiful and honest.
I already loved Keaton- and his book only made me love him more. I’ve loved the way he loves the ladies in his life- his love for his mama, he’s connection with Faye. He’s always been so sweet and selfless- willing to give up so much for those he loves. But here, we see the price he’s had to pay. Because Keaton has sacrificed more than we could know. He’s hiding in plain sight- hiding his true self, lying to everyone he knows and therefore lying to himself. He’s struggling to come to terms with who he is and what he wants, to find the courage and confidence to be himself. He’s a bit lost- directionless and insecure. And I loved getting to see the inexperienced, emotionally needy side of him- he’s adorably awkward at times, vulnerable and sensitive. He wears his big beautiful heart on his sleeve. Siobhan gives him such complexity, such heart, such emotional resonance- I felt his every word in my heart. I felt such compassion, such love, such pain for him. He just needs someone to see him- and Austen, well Austen more than sees him. He understands his very soul.
While I knew I would love Keaton, I was unprepared for the beautiful creature that is Austen Hayes. Dare I say, Austen may be the most compelling leading man Siobhan has EVER written. I FELL SO IN LOVE WITH HIM. He’s the dreamiest- he’s loyal and honest, so compassionate and intuitive. He understood Keaton’s needs, is in tune with his feelings- and the patient and compassionate way he builds trust with Keaton moved me to tears more than once. He’s self-assured, confident, and self-aware- unlike Keats, he knows who he is and has embraced his identity, even if his current situation has him less than open about it. Austen is the character manifestation of unconditional love- pure, honest, and most importantly, BRAVE. His courage not only inspired me, but inspired Keats- he’s the catalyst to Keats journey, to his growth, and it is so breathtaking to behold. The way this man loves is so beautiful.
The chemistry? I’m not even sure I have words for how beautifully their connection is written. Together- these two are magical. I’ve never swooned so hard for a couple. Siobhan has scribed such a compelling story of TRUE partnership. They are a team. Two people who love each other and support each other. Who communicate and want to lift each other up. The vulnerability, the honesty, the genuine affection they demonstrate for each other- it is magnificent to behold. They both embody such an all-consuming care for one another, a mutual respect and admiration. But what is most moving is how they understand each other- the way they trust, the way they can only be their full selves with the other person, the acceptance and understanding they demonstrate for one another’s self-identity journeys, even though they are both in very different places. This is some of the most compelling, soulful, tender and intimate character chemistry I’ve ever read. Their relationship-I FELT in my soul. This is what it feels like to read about true soul mates. Not to mention- THEY ARE SO HOT TOGETHER. SCORCHING!
I flew through the pages because their love story consumed me- yet I found myself going back and re-reading because I was so enraptured by their magic. I felt transformed by both their joy and pain, moved to tears several times by their emotional range. Their story is hard in places, euphoric in others. The obstacles are many- not only do they both have parts of their past threatening their powerful but risky connection, but other aspects of their identity keep overshadowing and silencing this very important part of who they are. Being a Kennedy, career aspirations, stigmas, trust, and fear all jeopardize how openly they can exist as themselves- and therefore threaten who they can be together. And that leads to some real heartbreak and pain.
The truth of this story is that these two men are each other’s center. They ground the other, amplify the best in each other. But Siobhan doesn’t shy away from being real about what makes their story uniquely, and unfairly, complicated- the role of identity and acceptance. She explores what happens when you find your center before you’ve even really figured out your own path, before you've even accepted your own self. And that is what this makes this story so special. This isn’t just a story about two people falling in love- this is a story about exploring and embracing your own identity. About two people realizing that time spent not being yourself, where you let others limit who you are, is time wasted, time lost. About two people figuring out what acceptance is or is not, and doing the hard, and unjust, work of learning to accept themselves while also feeling repressed in their identities.
Siobhan so brilliantly contrasts their experiences and paths- giving us two living and breathing characters who aren’t stereotypes or archetypes, because both have a very different process and experience. There is a loving authenticity to the way she brings their story to life- it is beautiful, powerful, tender, sweet- but most importantly, it is truthful. There are two scenes in this story that wrecked me- left me shattered and in tears. Two of the most powerful scenes I think Siobhan has ever written. One because of the deep hope and love it inspired in me, the other because of the way its honesty broke my heart. And they are both so incredibly genuine- so real. Somehow Siobhan made their love feel normal and familiar while also giving it space to be unique- to acknowledge that Austen and Keats have barriers that the other Kennedy couples will never experience. And that is so powerful.
Courage. Truth. Traits endemic to any kind of love- traits that are actually universal to the act of loving. But for Keats and Austen, courage and truth aren’t just the core of their story in falling in love with each other. No, they are also core to their story about accepting and loving themselves. And that love story...well, that story may be the greatest love story of all. I'm so in love with Adoring Keaton- I could not ask for a more beautiful story!
My love for the Kennedy boys is a total addiction. I have been anxiously awaiting the triplets- convinced that they will be my favorite men, and so far, I’m 100...
My love for the Kennedy boys is a total addiction. I have been anxiously awaiting the triplets- convinced that they will be my favorite men, and so far, I’m 100% right. Keanu does not disappoint- he’s jumped straight into my heart and soul.
This story is definitely the most emotional of the stories for me thus far. There are parts that are hard and painful to read. While every couple has had their own fair share of drama and some painful personal of couple history, this one rocked me the most. Selena has a dark history- and here we get the full spectrum of her past pain. There are dark and gritty parts, and sweet and gentle parts- either way, I was ALL in my feelings long after reading this story. They are so sweet, so powerful, so STRONG- and they owned me.
Selena is such a survivor- she has a quiet and stable strength that is a wonder to behold. She’s beautifully broken, deeply wounded by her past, but she refuses to be totally lost to it. And the love between her and Keanue is earth shattering- authentic, consuming, and intense. He’s her safety. Keanu stole my whole heart- one of my fav brothers if not my fav. He’s protective and alpha, but he’s also patient, understanding, respectful, and SO giving when it comes to Selena. He listens to her, lets her guide their progress- he reads her almost like her every heartbeat is his own. And truly, perhaps it is- they are truly connected in their souls. Their partnership is just stable and healthy- the way they listen and understand each other, the way they support each other's' needs- gah, it warms my heart. These two grow together so beautifully- they love each other intensely. They make mistakes, but they work through them- they find a path to one another. My heart ached for them and cheered for them- their love filled my heart up with hope and admiration.
I knew I’d get my Kennedy angst, some suspense and drama, but even then this story still surprised me. This one had so much soul- a deep emotional center. Siobhan gets me every time- but Keanu may be one of my all times favs.
Get ready for tears- Siobhan delivers them! ALL THE STARS!
FEELINGS. I’m overcome by them- stunned and raw. Siobhan has saved the most challenging, most harrowing, most complicated Kennedy story for last- this one may have hurt the most, ...
FEELINGS. I’m overcome by them- stunned and raw. Siobhan has saved the most challenging, most harrowing, most complicated Kennedy story for last- this one may have hurt the most, but it is also the most rewarding. The hardest to like Kennedy is somehow the easiest to love.
These Kennedy men and their loves have been THROUGH IT. But no one, perhaps, as much as Kent. His story is unexpected, emotional, riveting, and haunting. This book will rock you- unsettle you, but it will also move you. Because for nine books we’ve blindly watched this character self-destruct, watch him unravel and destroy relationships and cause others pain. While every other Kennedy has found security and stability- found PEACE and contentment- Kent has been standing in the dark, drowning in pain and secrets. Everything we knew about him is wrong- the facade of the womanizing jerk, the partying antagonizer, the hateful and hurtful anti-hero is shattered by this story. And in doing so, Siobhan shatters a piece of us, too.
Kent and Presley are the embodiment of the redemptive and rehabilitative power of unconditional and compassionate love. How love can save and heal. Kent is an undisputed jerk- he knows it, we know it, his family knows it. Heck, even Presley knows it. But Presley awakens something in him- gives him a light, some hope, some freedom. In wooing her, we see the real Kent, as he lets her in, he lets us in too. And this is not a Kent we know- a sweet and vulnerable man with so much heart, a man more fragile than we could ever realize. He’s charming and considerate- the type of man who writes meaningful love notes and sends flowers. A man so easy to love you wonder how no one could see this version of him. And Presley? She’s just as magical- I loved her instantly. This woman, too, has been through it. She’s resilient, compassionate, and SO very loving. But she, too, is fragile...she too has masked pain. Both of these characters are so tragically lonely- surrounded by loving people but somehow entirely alone. Everyone around them has somehow failed them. Until each other- until the love jars them so thoroughly that it gives them hope. Peace. Light. The true connection that both have them have been robbed of their entire lives. And for Kent, oh that hurt my heart- because this amazing family, this beautiful group of men and women I adore, have missed seeing him entirely. And I did, too. Both of these characters are so brave, so beautifully broken, so sweet and courageous. My heart swells with love for them.
What perhaps is the most captivating about Siobhan’s narrative approach is how she contrasts Presley and Kent’s romance with their inner turmoil. There is a beautiful juxtaposition of the sweet and light with the dark and disturbing. The love story here? It is easy- perhaps the easiest we’ve read in the Kennedy series. These two fall fast and quickly for each other- authentically slipping into an easy familiarity, a connection sweet, and pure, and blissfully grounded and mature. There is such a marked lightness, a simplicity to their coupling. Of course, that doesn’t change their baggage- Presley is scared of getting hurt by the notorious playboy, and she has her own past pains. And Kent, oh, sweet Kent just doesn’t want to mess this up- he wants to be WORTHY. But their connection is so electric, so intimate and TENDER- they can’t help but be consumed by it regardless of their fears and turmoil. They jump in so vulnerably, but so naturally. For the first time ever they can just BE. This is chemistry somehow intense and gentle, fierce and soft- they make each other feel it all. And we feel it, too. Siobhan give us that peace, that achingly beautiful sweetness, and then she shrouds us in truths that hurt, painful realities and experiences. The dark “Give me your truths, Kent. Even if those truths hurt. At least it will be real.” And Siobhan gets real- unflinchingly so- she gives us the truths. And they are not easy- they are raw. They hurt. And what was a sweet and innocent love now becomes dangerous to them both- because they unexpectedly find aspects of each other’s lives triggering. Pushing them to do something neither has been able to do before- confronting their pain. And only their love can make it safe to do that- give them the courage.
But Siobhan also shows us that the love of another is not enough on its own- not if you don’t love yourself. Both characters are drowning in aspects of themselves. Alone in the violent waters that have engulfed them. Their connection is so powerful, so catalyzing that it pulls their heads out of the water. Their love inspires survival, is the proverbial life vest in the water- but even so, when you’re drowning you have to be the one to grab the vest. You have to want to be saved, to be willing to save yourself. If not, you still drown. And sometimes you have to break completely before love can glue you back together- before you're ready to reach for survival. THIS. OH THIS. This is what makes Kent and Presley’s story so impactful- the parallel journey of two people sweetly and easily falling in love right alongside the turbulent, painful, and challenging journey of those same two people desperately battling to save themselves, fighting to be brave enough to work on their own stuff so that their hearts can fully belong to each other. Being whole with someone else means also being whole with yourself. Siobhan is giving us a story about one of the most courageous and bravest acts we can take as humans- facing ourselves. It isn’t just surviving life’s tribulations that make us brave, although certainly that alone is magnificent. But for Kent and Presley the greatest act of bravery is doing the self-work it takes to THRIVE despite their adversity. To heal. That is what makes them “truly brave.”
That journey is the reward. Kent and Presley have a love so epic that it rebuilds them, but it also reshapes them. This isn’t just about the two of them putting each other back together- this is about both of them inspiring each other to change how the pieces are assembled. The phoenix rising from the ashes. Being reborn. REFORMED. And you can’t help but feel a little be reformed yourself for having walked this journey with them.
I can not believe it is time to say goodbye to this menagerie of amazing characters. This dramatic, over the top, intrusive and angsty family that I am so addicted to. But I can’t help but marvel at how Siobhan has let this story come full circle. Back to its roots. This whole series hasn't really been about the drama, that soap operative existence of the Kennedy’s- because the drama doesn’t matter. It doesn't define them. What does is how this family grows, evolves, and comes together to survive and thrive despite it. How they figure out how to love each other, and themselves, just right. And in this world, love isn’t always timely, or easy, or neat or normal, but it is restorative, it is liberating. And, most importantly, it is brave. Thank you, Siobhan, for their magic.
PS- this didn't fit anywhere else in this review, but I can't not say that the triplets have now completely stolen this series for me! And this story, this is all of theirs. I adore them.
HOLY SMOKES. I’m left speechless- tears still misting in my eyes from the surprisingly bittersweet epilogue, heart pounding, butterflies in my tummy. I knew I’d enjoy his book- I ...
HOLY SMOKES. I’m left speechless- tears still misting in my eyes from the surprisingly bittersweet epilogue, heart pounding, butterflies in my tummy. I knew I’d enjoy his book- I love everything Siobhan does, but I never expected to have been so ravished by it, to fall so deeply in love with my now-favorite Siobhan book boyfriend Jackson (sorry Kai and Saint!), nor to feel so profoundly moved by the story of our heroine Vanessa and the soulful, tender, cathartic romance with Jackson.
We know and love Jackson from the stories we’ve already read, but in HIS book we get Jackson 2.0. The same fun loving, snarky, charming lady killer that we all grew to adore, also the same man that we realized was masking some deep emotional baggage that he’s camouflaging with his swagger and penchant for chemically medicating his pain and rage. Here, he’s evolved- we get to see more of his substance and depth. I knew there was more to Jackson, but I had no clue just how nuanced and dynamic Jackson was beneath his sassy veneer. Holy hell- this man moves me. He’s swoon worthy and delicious in the best ways - dirty talker, sexy AF, a veritable Adonis, and I’m pretty sure he could charm on the pants off a snake. But, what really made me swoon was his heart- the little cracks of true depth we see as this story slowly chips away at his facade until this beautiful, tender yet strong man appears. His loyalty, his conviction, his protectiveness combined with a sweetness and gentleness, a delicate and raw vulnerability all worked in perfect concert to create this perfect and soulful symphony of a man. So much depth- he’s more than just a pretty boy. And when he says “ I have something to say….”- lord, hold on to your heart and your panties.
And Nessa. I tear up just thinking about how beautiful of a spirit she is- what a revelation she was for me. I was not prepared to love, admire, and relate to this complex heroine nor for her to be my favorite SB woman. Like so many of us, she just wants to matter to someone, to be worthy of selfless love. To find some real connection in a sea of half truths. She wants to be seen- her pain and survival to be valued. This Nessa is nothing like the party girl Vanessa we had heard about and thought we knew- and even what we DO know about her has been completely misunderstood. We see that she’s sweet and caring, devoted and spirited. She’s also hurt and lost, insecure and tentative. But, at her core, she’s a fighter- not just for herself, but for those she loves, for what is right. I don’t just love her- I FLOVE HER. This says a lot, but I think she’s been through the ringer more than any other SD heroine-she’s broken by it, but not yet shattered. She’s resilient and even after all the harm she’s experienced from this f’ed up Elite world around her, she somehow still unflinchingly opens her heart to someone she knows can, and will, break it- she still has hope at her core. She left me feeling raw and exposed- moved and inspired by her bravery.
And them and a couple- O..MY.GOD. The connection between Jackson and Nessa is emotional, the chemistry explosive. Both characters are coping in harmful ways to try to survive and numb their personal adversity, both have trapped themselves in the protective armour of the allusions they’ve created about themselves so they can protect the truths- that they are hurting, that they are lost, that they are angry and sad. And, both find each other when they are both fighting to shift their lives- each figuring out who they are as adults and people outside of the painful histories that they’ve allowed to define them. And that leads to some earth shattering romance- yes, all the good steam, but even more so it was like watching two perfectly matched souls collide and then slowly weave themselves together thread by delicate thread. Their relationship feels natural and authentic as they become partners, as their love for each other reshapes what they thought was their purpose and helps them heal the pain that has consumed them both. Siobhan’s writing approach here was also nothing short of inspired- the first ½ of the book is intimate and slower paced, mostly one-on-one, with our leads mostly isolated from the pack- which really helps us swim around in this powerful connection before we get too deep into the intrigue and makes the drama to come that much more impactful.
And oh my- I have missed the Rydeville Elite world. Side by side with this touching, vibrant, and dynamic love story we have the seedy drama from the nefarious Elite. We get the page turning action and twists, the “just in time to save” the day moments that keep my heart pounding, and we get this kooky and endearing motley crue of Rydeville couples (and future couples) that have become this intense and functional family who support and protect other. I LOVE this crew- and I’m so glad we get time with each of them. Also- Sawyer REALLY shows up in this story in a fantastic way- and now I can’t wait for what is next from him.
Has this just become my favorite Siobhan story of all time?! This woman consistently rocks me- brings new and exciting characters and heart pounding stories into my life, but Jackson is truly spectacular- a story that I’m still left thinking, still left FEELING in my heart and soul days later. My words will never do it justice, so just pick it up and find out for yourself- you’ll find that the story of Jackson and Vanessa is surprising and shattering, beautiful and sweet- Siobhan, you continue to amaze me, but you've shattered and rebuilt my heart with this epic tale of two individuals recovering from their pain while also discovering themselves in their love for each other. I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. I can’t wait to see what is in store next!
here is nothing better than the sweet anticipation of a sequel to a book that felt so original so surprising, so RIVETING that you can’t stop thinking about it….nothing better tha...
here is nothing better than the sweet anticipation of a sequel to a book that felt so original so surprising, so RIVETING that you can’t stop thinking about it….nothing better than the sequel being JUST as awesome and soul shaking.
This book is full of constant twists and turns- and we all know the soul crushing cliffy that had us all agonizing for months, so I won’t reveal too much here. That said, we have everything we loved about the first installment- we have a kick ass heroine who is so unabashedly herself who OWNS being the star of her own story, we have the delicious, devious, magnetic, and dangerous Sainthood boys Saint, Galen, Caz, and Theo, you an action packed plot with more twists than a pack of twizzlers, a whole bunch of characters whose motivations and interests are constantly keeping your on your toes, and heart pounding reverse harem romance full of SO much yummy goodness smack dab in the middle of scary and action packed gang war. YES, Siobhan- QUEEN!
But, this story felt even more fulfilling for me. I LOVED Harlow from day 1- she owns her sexuality, she’s brazen and bold and fearless, unapologetic about who she is and what she wants- she’s a survivor who has reclaimed her own narrative. At the beginning and end of last book, we got to see into the deeper recesses of Harlow’s heart, which she’s carefully packaged up and booby trapped time and again. We saw her make an epic decision to follow her heart instead of her mind- and this book we get to explore this side of her more fully- sure, it softens her some, but we get to see the fuller spectrum of who Harlow really is, we get to see her be more emotionally driven and (slightly) more open, we get to explore who Harlow is when she’s not the fighting loner. Girl is smart, a spitfire, and so deeply nuanced and carefully constructed by Siobhan- she’s my favorite Siobhan heroine ever, and DAMN, love that we get to see her skills, too.
And our guys. NEED A COLD SHOWER, because ladies, we get their POV this time, and OMG, Siobhan, what a gift. If you were like me and felt like we didn’t truly KNOW some of our men (and didn’t want all them for Harlow evenly), then you’ll love getting to know our boys more, especially Theo and Galen, even more of Caz. We learn more about who they are and what has been driving them, more about their feelings and emotions, and we understand better how they all fit together, like a beautiful, jagged, scratched up puzzle. I loved the rough, animalistic connection we saw with the men and Harlow in book one, but in this book, we scratch deep under their chemistry to understand their souls, and I find myself drawn to each of them in different ways, even when they do unimaginable (or unforgivable) things.
And LORDY, Siobhan is the QUEEN of cliffangers. We don’t just dangle on the edge in her cliffies- we’re violently shoved over the edge into a dark abyss, bleeding on the rocks below while we wait for the sweet live-saving CPR that we know we’ll get in the next book. I CAN NOT WAIT.
Siobhan has shown time and time again she is the queen of RH- she’s truly shaking and redefining the genre with new and compelling stories, this is truly a series I will love and reread for years to come. I NEED BOOK 3 NOW!!!
Leaving characters and the world behind that you’re addicted to is always bittersweet, but Reign is more sweet for me than bitter- not because of the story, oh no, this story is s...
Leaving characters and the world behind that you’re addicted to is always bittersweet, but Reign is more sweet for me than bitter- not because of the story, oh no, this story is shattering, I was a wreck- but rather because Siobhan has delivered the PERFECT conclusion to one of my all time favorite series. Reign is a magnificent and refreshingly unique opus- truly Siobhan Davis at her finest. This conclusion is sexy, gritty, edgy and dangerous, an incomparable page turner, but at its core it highlights what Siobhan Davis writes like no other- the liberating, empowering, and elevating potential of a fierce love.
From the very first chapter of this series (in Resurrection), I knew this series would be ground breaking. That first chapter was perhaps the strongest, most engrossing first chapter I’ve ever read in a romance series. You knew this was special, that Siobhan was making magic, you knew this was going to be genre defining. The Sainthood series are not books- they are an experience. As our story comes to a close, I can do nothing but applaud Siobhan Davis for the masterpiece she’s created, with every book being even better than the last. These characters, this story, have become a part of me.
Somehow Siobhan has both delivered on everything I wanted and shocked me all at once. To say anything about the plot would be not only a betrayal to Siobhan but also a betrayal to you, dear reader. You deserve to experience this as it is intended to be experienced- with you on your guard, mesmerizingly anxious, completely off kilter. So you won’t get details from me- but we all know where this is going, the quest to destroy Sinner side by side with figuring out the dynamic of this harem. The narrative is no holds barred- the stakes are high, and Siobhan isn’t scared to show us this, over and over. The story unfolds at a breakneck pace, a beautiful mix of jaw dropping action and deeply resonant emotional moments. This book is a tornado of energy and emotion- I cried happy tears, frustrated tears, and even devastated ones. I was rocked.
The characters have really defined this series- Siobhan has created them so lovingly, with such nuance and complexity, and in this conclusion we not only get to watch the magic of them growing individually but also get to see them settling in as a newly minted 5-person unit. Siobhan gives LOTs of time and space for these relationships to breathe in this final book, a beautiful juxtaposition of dark and sweetness permeates these pages. Each individual pair gets time to be further defined and strengthened, while also making space to explore this group as a unit- the formation of an unbreakable chosen family bond. The sexy times are the hottest I’ve read from her- MY GOODNESS. But what I loved even more was the embracing of emotional vulnerability now that they all fully trust one another- this is PURE character magic. Siobhan fully cracks each of these characters open until we can see the beat of the hearts in their open chests. These are characters who are hard to love, but who love each other easily. Characters who have doubted their own worthiness, their own potential to sacrifice and care for another, but whose connection inspires them to do it naturally. We see how love is not easy- in fact, the chaotic and explosive plot is a beautiful allegory to just how HARD loving someone else is, let alone many someones. In Reign, love is about teamwork and partnership, and that partnership inspires the capacity for change. We get to see the magic of what happens when each of these hardened, hurt individuals let down their walls and form an unbreakable unit- and my god, it is consuming and captivating. I could feel these characters breathing next to me, they are so real to me. There is no greater harem than this one. SO much sizzling chemistry, real and profound emotion, and profound complexity.
What I loved most about this final chapter, however, is how decidedly feminist this narrative is- how this is a story about the power and strength of one woman. And that comes down to this series' most beautiful element- Harlow. Harlow is a QUEEN- one of the most original, most complex, most interesting, and most inspiring heroines I’ve read in a romance novel to date. She’s truly unparalleled. And Siobhan isn’t scared to let this be her story- to let her reign. Harlow centers these alpha, dominant, scary men- their relationship is on her terms, their choices are her choices, their direction her call. Because Reign is a beautiful representation of a woman unapologetically embracing her power as a woman, and those that love her willingly giving up some of their own to ensure that she is the master of her journey. Sure, Harlow has always been a fighter- a ball busting powerhouse who owns her sexuality, who is unabashed about who she is, who is strong and fierce and a FORCE. But I love how Siobhan has bookended her character’s evolution to tell a more complex character journey. Her story with this world began with her kidnapping- robbing her of her worldview, her innocence, her physical and emotional safety- taking away her own power, her own control. With each book, we’ve seen how Harlow has sought to reclaim that- Harlow on the defensive, arming herself with the physical and emotional weapons she needs to ensure her power is never stripped from her again. That was all at risk when she found herself entangled in this web- as we found her in book 1 fighting to control her own story when faced with these misogynistic gangs, as the guys, as Sinner, and Darrow, even Diesel and her father sought to control her. Yes, even those protecting her tried to control her, with secrets, with half truths, with deceit. We’ve seen Harlow resist, control herself and her own vulnerability to protect herself, something we explored in book 2. And in this final book, we see Harlow FULLY unleashed, on the offensive- and my, what a glorious sight to behold. Because Harlow has fully reclaimed her path- a journey catalyzed both because she now recognizes that there is strength in vulnerability, she can let others in and still be powerful, but also because her guys finally recognize that in order to love Harlow, in order to protect her, they don’t need to control her- they need to let her unleash herself, by giving her the power to be the hero. This is the story of Harlow becoming her own hero, and it is by far one of the most remarkable and riveting character journeys I’ve read.
So, Siobhan- Sláinte! Reign is everything I needed and more. I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails off, flabbergasted at the twists- but even more importantly, I was both emotionally challenged and rewarded. You have set the bar for what is possible in storytelling so high, I’m not sure anyone else but you can surpass it.
Seriously, I can't give much away, but this is one of the most interesting, complex, unexpected, and HOT RH stories I've ever read. The first ...
HOLY SMOKES. What did I just read?!
Seriously, I can't give much away, but this is one of the most interesting, complex, unexpected, and HOT RH stories I've ever read. The first chapter alone was scorching- I needed a cold shower. What a way to start the story!
And guys, Harlow is one of my favorite heroines of all time. She's uniquely broken and vulnerable but incredible secure in herself, in who she is, and she's unapologetic about what she wants. She's brave and bold in the face of incredible scrutiny and expectations. She's resilient despite all the crap that comes her way- with her dad, her mom, the trolls at school, and the boys. I've never respected a character as much as I respect her- even though she's the antithesis of what I normally look for in my heroines. She's tough as nails, radically bold, a sexual powerhouse and unapologetic about her sex drive, determined, and so poised and self-confident. It takes a woman as strong as her to put these boys on their knees- but she's also still vulnerable and kind- she's just so nuanced and complex, and I love her.
And the Sainthood boys, Saint Lennox, Galen Lennox, Caz Evans and Theo Smith. All interesting, mysterious, and magnetic in their own way. We don't get to know much of what is in their heads in this book because it is from Harlow's POV (we get some bonus POV at the end, though)- but this is a good thing, because like Harlow we're trying to figure out just who they are, what is motivating them, and what is true vs. an act. They are a well oiled unit and a package deal yet still competitive with each other. They are hard and scary and heartless one second and tender the next. Each also has some complexities we don't fully understand or get just yet. Right now, I deeply love Saint and am drawn to him way more than the others- although I have a feeling there is much to Theo that will let him become my favorite later. But each has a role in Harlow's needs, and when they somehow finally end up as one solid unit, world watch out!
Fair warning- there are many secrets left to figure out and this books ends on a MASSIVE and painful cliff hanger. I've been dying for months waiting on book 2, but it is coming out really soon so get this and start it now! Siobhan is the queen of insane and mind blowing cliffies, but she always delivers with an even better book 2. I can't imagine it getting any better, but I"m ready!
Leaving characters and the world behind that you’re addicted to is always bittersweet, but this series ending is more sweet for me than bitter. Siobhan has delivered a series I wi...
Leaving characters and the world behind that you’re addicted to is always bittersweet, but this series ending is more sweet for me than bitter. Siobhan has delivered a series I will return to for years to come- an all time favorite series and cast of characters that will always be on my mind. The Sainthood series is a magnificent and refreshingly unique opus- truly Siobhan Davis at her finest. Sexy, gritty, edgy and dangerous, an incomparable page turner, but at its core it highlights what Siobhan Davis writes like no other- the liberating, empowering, and elevating potential of a fierce love.
So, let's dig in, shall we?
Of course, we'll start here- fans will be RAVENOUS for this multi-chapter bonus novella that takes place with Harlow and her men 12 years after the conclusion of Reign. And it is EVERYTHING I ever wanted and more.
This novella is such a fresh and novel depiction of these characters- and SO much emotion packed into it. I cried like a baby- multiple times. Siobhan does something very clever- she shows us what these characters look like and act like in domestic bliss. Gone is the over the top drama and crazy dangerous and dark story conflicts. We see them in their real life daily struggles- something we've never seen before, but WOW, it was powerful. And PERFECT. Because we see that they are just the people we know and love- but they've also grown and developed in this happiness and stability. I didn't think I could love them anymore- but Siobhan surprises me yet again. And I was profoundly moved, too. Not the novella I anticipated, because it is SO MUCH MORE.
SERIES REVIEW: (all 3 books were 5-star reads)
From the very first chapter of this series (in Resurrection), I knew this series would be ground breaking. That first chapter was perhaps the strongest, most engrossing first chapter I’ve ever read in a romance series. You knew this was special, that Siobhan was making magic, you knew this was going to be genre defining. The Sainthood series are not books- they are an experience. As our story comes to a close, I can do nothing but applaud Siobhan Davis for the masterpiece she’s created, with every book being even better than the last. These characters, this story, have become a part of me.
At this conclusion, somehow Siobhan has both delivered on everything I wanted and shocked me all at once. To say anything about the plot would be not only a betrayal to Siobhan but also a betrayal to you, dear reader. You deserve to experience this as it is intended to be experienced- with you on your guard, mesmerizingly anxious, completely off kilter. The narrative is no holds barred- the stakes are high, and Siobhan isn’t scared to show us this, over and over. The story unfolds at a breakneck pace, a beautiful mix of jaw dropping action and deeply resonant emotional moments. I was rocked.
The characters have really defined this series- Siobhan has created them so lovingly, with such nuance and complexity, and in this conclusion we not only get to watch the magic of them growing individually but also get to see them settling in as a newly minted 5-person unit. Siobhan gives LOTs of time and space for these relationships to breathe in this final book, a beautiful juxtaposition of dark and sweetness permeates these pages. Each individual pair gets time to be further defined and strengthened, while also making space to explore this group as a unit- the formation of an unbreakable chosen family bond. The sexy times are the hottest I’ve read from her- MY GOODNESS. But what I loved even more was the embracing of emotional vulnerability over time as the series progresses- this is PURE character magic. Siobhan fully cracks each of these characters open until we can see the beat of the hearts in their open chests. These are characters who are hard to love, but who love each other easily. Characters who have doubted their own worthiness, their own potential to sacrifice and care for another, but whose connection inspires them to do it naturally. We see how love is not easy- in fact, the chaotic and explosive plot is a beautiful allegory to just how HARD loving someone else is, let alone many someones. By Reign, love is about teamwork and partnership, and that partnership inspires the capacity for change. We get to see the magic of what happens when each of these hardened, hurt individuals let down their walls and form an unbreakable unit- and my god, it is consuming and captivating. I could feel these characters breathing next to me, they are so real to me. There is no greater harem than this one. SO much sizzling chemistry, real and profound emotion, and profound complexity.
What I loved most about this series, however, is how decidedly feminist this narrative is- how this is a story about the power and strength of one woman. And that comes down to this series' most beautiful element- Harlow. Harlow is a QUEEN- one of the most original, most complex, most interesting, and most inspiring heroines I’ve read in a romance novel to date. She’s truly unparalleled. And Siobhan isn’t scared to let this be her story- to let her reign. Harlow centers these alpha, dominant, scary men- their relationship is on her terms, their choices are her choices, their direction her call. Because Reign is a beautiful representation of a woman unapologetically embracing her power as a woman, and those that love her willingly giving up some of their own to ensure that she is the master of her journey. Sure, Harlow has always been a fighter- a ball busting powerhouse who owns her sexuality, who is unabashed about who she is, who is strong and fierce and a FORCE. But I love how Siobhan has bookended her character’s evolution to tell a more complex character journey. Her story with this world began with her kidnapping- robbing her of her worldview, her innocence, her physical and emotional safety- taking away her own power, her own control. With each book, we’ve seen how Harlow has sought to reclaim that- Harlow on the defensive, arming herself with the physical and emotional weapons she needs to ensure her power is never stripped from her again. That was all at risk when she found herself entangled in this web- as we found her in book 1 fighting to control her own story when faced with these misogynistic gangs, as the guys, as Sinner, and Darrow, even Diesel and her father sought to control her. Yes, even those protecting her tried to control her, with secrets, with half truths, with deceit. We’ve seen Harlow resist, control herself and her own vulnerability to protect herself, something we explored in book 2. And in this final book, we see Harlow FULLY unleashed, on the offensive- and my, what a glorious sight to behold. Because Harlow has fully reclaimed her path- a journey catalyzed both because she now recognizes that there is strength in vulnerability, she can let others in and still be powerful, but also because her guys finally recognize that in order to love Harlow, in order to protect her, they don’t need to control her- they need to let her unleash herself, by giving her the power to be the hero. This is the story of Harlow becoming her own hero, and it is by far one of the most remarkable and riveting character journeys I’ve read.
So, Siobhan- Sláinte! I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails off, flabbergasted at the twists- but even more importantly, I was both emotionally challenged and rewarded from this series. You have set the bar for what is possible in storytelling so high, I’m not sure anyone else but you can surpass it.
Mafia romance has always been my favorite sub-genre, so pair that with one of my favorite authors of all time and Condemned to Love is literally a dream- I’ve been dying for Siobh...
Mafia romance has always been my favorite sub-genre, so pair that with one of my favorite authors of all time and Condemned to Love is literally a dream- I’ve been dying for Siobhan to take a crack at mafia, and she does not disappoint! This is everything I want in a mafia romance! Sexy, dangerous, intriguing, and wildly entertaining- Condemned to Love is the swooniest mafia romance I have ever read. Somehow both dark and sweet, gritty yet emotional, intimate yet action packed, I could not put this story down! I am addicted to Ben and Sierra- I want to live in this mafia world forever.
Like all Siobhan stories, this one is FULL of surprises, this story is action packed with tons of twists, danger, betrayal, and jaw dropping surprises, and I’m not going to give you a single hint! But these characters, I just LOVED them. Siobhan is one of my favorite heroine writers of all time- she brings such nuances and layers of strength to the women in her stories, and Sierra is one of my favorites she’s written. She’s everything I want in a mafia leading lady- she’s tender, empathetic, sweet, exuding a charming vulnerability and open heartedness. She’s the “light” of the story- but she is far from weak. There’s a solid tenacity that underscores her light- this is a woman who won’t compromise on her beliefs, and who refuses to be walked over- she has steel when she needs it, and softness when she doesn’t. I love her contrasts, and I loved her open heart.
But BEN- oh Ben. He’s the swooniest mafia man I’ve ever read. I love how Siobhan constructs him- she lets him have the framings of a mafia boss- the darkness, the possessive alpha dominance, the capacity to do deplorable things- but this doesn’t define him as a character. Because Ben is still a hero-in really nuanced and interesting ways that contrast with the trope standard. AND HE IS SO DREAMY. Sexy, dark, and dangerous- just enough edge to keep us on our toes. But Siohan gives him nuance, makes him more defined than just a “mafia boss” archetype. He’s also incredibly self-aware emotionally, progressive in his leadership, and he loves with a charming romantic streak that has me sighing with delight. Unlike other mafia heroes who lack the capacity to love, Ben has it in spades- he just chooses to repress it, out of stoic responsibility and a grounded understanding of the perils of his life. But his firefly, the sweet little Sierra, arouses his protective instincts, thrusting a man capable of an epic love to confront fate. And when this man's full emotional range is unleashed- HOLD ON TO YOUR OVARIES! Total dark hero dreamboat.
These two are So hot together-and Siobhan so smartly invests in their shared history so we really understand the emotional intimacy between them. They share a solid and enchanting connection that just cannot be severed- irregardless of time, adversity, or difference. They are magic together- there’s a dynamic pull between them that I felt jump off the page, and it is just SO romantic. And so well matched. Sierra just wants to be SEEN, to have a love that is healthy, that is pure- and what irony that she finds herself loving a man who once belonged to another and now has erased love as a possibility. Her capacity to love wholly, nonjudgmentally and unconditionally, makes her the perfect match for our mafia man, Ben- a man who has always seen her for the beautiful creature she is, and a man who makes sacrifices for her in ways no one else will, just when she needs it. AND THEY ARE HOT- sexy, but also really tender and sweet in places. I could not get enough of them and this world- and there are some secondary characters that are just begging to have their own stories- I just want Siobhan to dwell in this mafia world forever.
This story seems to be written with so much thoughtful care- a carefully architected and well paced plot that twisted and turned and had me hanging on the edge of my seat, interesting and unexpected characters whose emotional journeys captured my heart, and intentional, and clearly well researched, mafia world building that consumed and enchanted me. Siobhan Davis and mafia were a pairing clearly meant to be, and I, for one, am desperate for more! Condemned to Love was delicious and delightful romantic entertainment- more more more!
Welcome back to Folkestone, dear readers, where teenage angst and first love drama is nestled into an elite world of secrets, lies, complicated family legacies, and corrupted powe...
Welcome back to Folkestone, dear readers, where teenage angst and first love drama is nestled into an elite world of secrets, lies, complicated family legacies, and corrupted power. Poe and Stella found some closure in their romance- but the heirs world around them continues to madly spin on- and now our eyes are on the lovable besties that are still in the midst of their own messy love story- the charmingly enchanting Sunday and Payne.
While this story features a different couple than the first two Folkestone books, this shouldn’t be read as a standalone. Sunday and Payne’s romance begins two books ago, their history spanning long before those first pages, and the actions and events that happened in the prior duet are a very heavy part of Restless Things. This story doesn't’ miss a beat- it dives right back into the heirs drama, all of the elite intrigue and corruption that these young friends are deep in the thick of. Poe and Stella’s story left us with a giant cliffhanger that careened us straight into where this story began. Heirs secrets yet again dismantling the very fragile trust and security these teens have.
To be honest, I was surprised at how quickly we were getting some answers, as many secrets and mistruths are exposed early on in this story. And, while I love finding out answers, it left me a smidge unsettled- because nothing is as it seems in the heirs world. Did this mean that Sunday and Payne’s story was going to be less interwoven with heirs machinations? Or did that mean even deeper, darker, and more complicated secrets awaited? You’ll need to dig in to find out just what these truths mean for our core characters, but if we’ve learned anything by know it is that no relationship in this world is easy. Not even Payne and Sunday’s- not even the childhood best friends.
Of course, this love story is different from Poe and Stella’s because Sunday and Payne are best friends- friends who already know many of the light and dark aspects of one another’s stories. That makes the stakes of their connection higher - because exploring their complicated feelings means risking one of their only sources of comfort, one of their only safe places- their friendship. As I mentioned we get a lot of secrets exposed and some new information comes out early- and it left me wondering, then, just what was going to be the central drama of this story. But then I realized the tension Samantha is exploring in this leg of their romantic journey- because nothing is as dangerous, as risky, as destroying one of the only pure, safe, and true connections you have in a world of corruption and deceit. And that becomes a key source of angsty drama-and Samantha does something really smart, she recognizes these characters can’t truly explore that until they have a “beat”- until they have a moment.
While their stories have spanned multiple books, this is the first time we get to spend a book inside both of their heads. Flashbacks and quiet moments help us learn more about the circumstances that have shaped them, and a bit more about them as people. We still get Sunday’s feisty fierceness, but we also see a far more vulnerable character. And Payne’s heart is far more gentle and optimistic than I expected- he’s got a swoony quality to him. I love them both- and feel fiercely protective over them. After the ways they’ve shown up for their friends...and each other...these are two characters who deserve some peace...some happy. I don’t think we fully “know” them just yet either, so I’m excited to continue to dig deeper into them both in the next book.
Yet again Samantha proves herself as an artist of the written word- this story is just beautifully scribed. Evocative imagery and meticulous emotional tension permeate the pages- and like the prior books in the series, Samantha really artfully juxtaposes tone to create a dynamic experience- the familiar warmth of these friends contrats so vividly with the foreboding melancholy of the world around them. The flashbacks in particular are powerfully engaging, and, until our epic final few scenes, they really serve as the story’s emotional center and key lever for characterization.
Just when I think I get what this story is going to be about, we are very quickly catapulted over the edge of a cliffy that I was not quite anticipating- and I’m still trying to figure out just what I think about it and what it means for the broader narrative of this couple. But I do know I’ll be anxiously awaiting the story that is next- because these two are so dear, and I will do anything for them to find an HEA.
Fans of the stories like the parent trap will love the life swap premise- as two women find their doppelganger and decide to escape their own lives. On the surface, these two are ...
Fans of the stories like the parent trap will love the life swap premise- as two women find their doppelganger and decide to escape their own lives. On the surface, these two are totally different- on a feisty bartender, the other a frustrated socialite, but escaping in each other’s realities not only opens the door for romances with the people that circle their worlds but also helps both Alex and Toni explore themselves, while also getting to know each other. And, of course, we have some “less conventional” romance (some MMF/polyamorous love story lines) that make it more fun and even spicier.
We do have two storylines told in parallel, which I know can make some readers impatient. I sometimes find that it stunts my emotional engagement simply because I’m moving my focus between different storylines. But here I actually appreciated it- in part because their two stories are interconnected and thematically tied, and also because in truth this story felt more ensemble in nature, with the romances just part of the dynamic. This is a romance, don’t get me wrong, but we also are exploring themes of self-identity and friendship and family. Kayedence also uses this narrative approach to beautifully juxtapose not only their evolution of each of their romances but also their own character growth and discovery- two very different women going through a similar self-awareness exploration. There are a few tonal shifts that jolted me a bit, but otherwise this was a fun, witty, and sweet story. Really clever and creative writing.
I read this for the romance, but I left inspired by the focus Kaydence gave to the sisterhood of these two women- their budding relationship and the way they inspire and support one another. The characterization is really stellar, both Alex and Toni are nuanced and interesting, the dynamism of their characters only accentuated by their character contrasts, and this made this story so much more than a sexy romance (all though it as it) but one about self-discovery and acceptance, finding your purpose, and the power of connection.
Kaydence Snow is wildly talented, and I’m excited for more and more readers to find her. She’s demonstrated a impressive versatility in the work she’s created thus far, has proven to be a fantastic world and character builders, and she brings an emotional gravitas- a meaningful point of view- to the stories she creates, no matter how sexy or fun they are on the surface. Just Be Her is another testament to her creativity and talent. This one left me feeling all happy- and grateful I found her stories!
Welcome back to the world of the Devil’s Bend Dynasty- full of a feisty and loyal girl gang I just can’t get enough of and an addictive world where typical teenage angst meets soa...
Welcome back to the world of the Devil’s Bend Dynasty- full of a feisty and loyal girl gang I just can’t get enough of and an addictive world where typical teenage angst meets soapy danger and suspenseful mystery. Secrets, twists and turns, evil plots, and first love antics- all just a typical day in Devil’s Bend. But, Like You Should has some extra sparkle since the relationship here is far more taboo- a teacher and student, caught up in a dangerous plot that forces them together.
I’ve been so excited for Harlow’s story, because of all the Devil’s Bend girls she’s always been the biggest mystery to me. She’s not as loud and flashy as Amaya or Donna, nor as emotional open as Mena- she keeps her cards close. And now, Kaydence exposes her secrets as we discover Harlow has found herself coerced into a plot much bigger than her- one that forces her to cross ethical and legal lines to protect her family. Subject to the machinations of her mysterious puppet master, she finds herself partnering with an unexpected ally- Easton, the sexy, tatted teacher as her elite high school who has also been blackmailed into serving the plot of their shared enemy.
This is by far my favorite Kaydence couple to date. I adore Harlow- ADORE her. She’s every bit as fierce and powerful as her sister, but Kaydence creates a power in a totally different way. Her bravery and strength come from her quiet resolve, her stoic loyalty, and her unflinching ability to extemporize solutions in the face of seemingly unsolvable situations. She’s also just incredibly likable in her easy going patience- she’s just incredibly level and steady, admirable in this crazy, dramatic situation they are in. And Easton is SO SWOONY. His integrity, his protective instincts and moral compass, make him such a dreamy hero. I love that he’s supportive of Harlow- that despite their age and gender he treats her as a partner. And man is SEEEXY.
The way Kaydence builds their chemistry is really smart. His pull to Harlow comes from a place of care and support at first- the need to protect an innocent- but he too starts to admire her. There is such an ease and comfort in their connection- they really build this steady friendship. They see and understand each other in ways that others don’t- and they find comfort in understanding each other. Safety and care. So much so, that this really didn’t feel very taboo at all- danger and friendship beget a romantic connection, one that both aren’t expected but surprisingly lean into. They find strength in one another.
I truly love this couple and story, but the ending seemed a bit rushed to me. The romance is a slower burn (which makes sense given the taboo nature), so we have a lot of anticipation for both the coupling and what we know will be a big climatic moment with their shared foe. The big reveal felt a but underwhelming to me, and when the story concluded I felt like I was missing a few chapters because we have so many unanswered questions and loose ends. Of course, some of those loose ends have to do with the overarching plot of this series, but some felt more particular to this couple/their story, and I’d liked a bit more HEA time and a bit more mystery resolution. But, truly, the story overall was fantastic, and a great 5 star read for me until the conclusion. I still loved them and this story despite wanting a bit more resolution.
Overall, a great story- and again, my fav couple to date in this series. We’ve still got SO many answers to figure out with the bigger plotline around Best Lyfe- and I know Amaya is going to surprise us all with her story!
I already loved Keaton- and his book only made me love him more. I’ve loved the way he loves the ladies in his life- his love for his mama, he’s connection with Faye. He’s always been so sweet and selfless- willing to give up so much for those he loves. But here, we see the price he’s had to pay. Because Keaton has sacrificed more than we could know. He’s hiding in plain sight- hiding his true self, lying to everyone he knows and therefore lying to himself. He’s struggling to come to terms with who he is and what he wants, to find the courage and confidence to be himself. He’s a bit lost- directionless and insecure. And I loved getting to see the inexperienced, emotionally needy side of him- he’s adorably awkward at times, vulnerable and sensitive. He wears his big beautiful heart on his sleeve. Siobhan gives him such complexity, such heart, such emotional resonance- I felt his every word in my heart. I felt such compassion, such love, such pain for him. He just needs someone to see him- and Austen, well Austen more than sees him. He understands his very soul.
While I knew I would love Keaton, I was unprepared for the beautiful creature that is Austen Hayes. Dare I say, Austen may be the most compelling leading man Siobhan has EVER written. I FELL SO IN LOVE WITH HIM. He’s the dreamiest- he’s loyal and honest, so compassionate and intuitive. He understood Keaton’s needs, is in tune with his feelings- and the patient and compassionate way he builds trust with Keaton moved me to tears more than once. He’s self-assured, confident, and self-aware- unlike Keats, he knows who he is and has embraced his identity, even if his current situation has him less than open about it. Austen is the character manifestation of unconditional love- pure, honest, and most importantly, BRAVE. His courage not only inspired me, but inspired Keats- he’s the catalyst to Keats journey, to his growth, and it is so breathtaking to behold. The way this man loves is so beautiful.
The chemistry? I’m not even sure I have words for how beautifully their connection is written. Together- these two are magical. I’ve never swooned so hard for a couple. Siobhan has scribed such a compelling story of TRUE partnership. They are a team. Two people who love each other and support each other. Who communicate and want to lift each other up. The vulnerability, the honesty, the genuine affection they demonstrate for each other- it is magnificent to behold. They both embody such an all-consuming care for one another, a mutual respect and admiration. But what is most moving is how they understand each other- the way they trust, the way they can only be their full selves with the other person, the acceptance and understanding they demonstrate for one another’s self-identity journeys, even though they are both in very different places. This is some of the most compelling, soulful, tender and intimate character chemistry I’ve ever read. Their relationship-I FELT in my soul. This is what it feels like to read about true soul mates. Not to mention- THEY ARE SO HOT TOGETHER. SCORCHING!
I flew through the pages because their love story consumed me- yet I found myself going back and re-reading because I was so enraptured by their magic. I felt transformed by both their joy and pain, moved to tears several times by their emotional range. Their story is hard in places, euphoric in others. The obstacles are many- not only do they both have parts of their past threatening their powerful but risky connection, but other aspects of their identity keep overshadowing and silencing this very important part of who they are. Being a Kennedy, career aspirations, stigmas, trust, and fear all jeopardize how openly they can exist as themselves- and therefore threaten who they can be together. And that leads to some real heartbreak and pain.
The truth of this story is that these two men are each other’s center. They ground the other, amplify the best in each other. But Siobhan doesn’t shy away from being real about what makes their story uniquely, and unfairly, complicated- the role of identity and acceptance. She explores what happens when you find your center before you’ve even really figured out your own path, before you've even accepted your own self. And that is what this makes this story so special. This isn’t just a story about two people falling in love- this is a story about exploring and embracing your own identity. About two people realizing that time spent not being yourself, where you let others limit who you are, is time wasted, time lost. About two people figuring out what acceptance is or is not, and doing the hard, and unjust, work of learning to accept themselves while also feeling repressed in their identities.
Siobhan so brilliantly contrasts their experiences and paths- giving us two living and breathing characters who aren’t stereotypes or archetypes, because both have a very different process and experience. There is a loving authenticity to the way she brings their story to life- it is beautiful, powerful, tender, sweet- but most importantly, it is truthful. There are two scenes in this story that wrecked me- left me shattered and in tears. Two of the most powerful scenes I think Siobhan has ever written. One because of the deep hope and love it inspired in me, the other because of the way its honesty broke my heart. And they are both so incredibly genuine- so real. Somehow Siobhan made their love feel normal and familiar while also giving it space to be unique- to acknowledge that Austen and Keats have barriers that the other Kennedy couples will never experience. And that is so powerful.
Courage. Truth. Traits endemic to any kind of love- traits that are actually universal to the act of loving. But for Keats and Austen, courage and truth aren’t just the core of their story in falling in love with each other. No, they are also core to their story about accepting and loving themselves. And that love story...well, that story may be the greatest love story of all. I'm so in love with Adoring Keaton- I could not ask for a more beautiful story!
My love for the Kennedy boys is a total addiction. I have been anxiously awaiting the triplets- convinced that they will be my favorite men, and so far, I’m 100...
My love for the Kennedy boys is a total addiction. I have been anxiously awaiting the triplets- convinced that they will be my favorite men, and so far, I’m 100% right. Keanu does not disappoint- he’s jumped straight into my heart and soul.
This story is definitely the most emotional of the stories for me thus far. There are parts that are hard and painful to read. While every couple has had their own fair share of drama and some painful personal of couple history, this one rocked me the most. Selena has a dark history- and here we get the full spectrum of her past pain. There are dark and gritty parts, and sweet and gentle parts- either way, I was ALL in my feelings long after reading this story. They are so sweet, so powerful, so STRONG- and they owned me.
Selena is such a survivor- she has a quiet and stable strength that is a wonder to behold. She’s beautifully broken, deeply wounded by her past, but she refuses to be totally lost to it. And the love between her and Keanue is earth shattering- authentic, consuming, and intense. He’s her safety. Keanu stole my whole heart- one of my fav brothers if not my fav. He’s protective and alpha, but he’s also patient, understanding, respectful, and SO giving when it comes to Selena. He listens to her, lets her guide their progress- he reads her almost like her every heartbeat is his own. And truly, perhaps it is- they are truly connected in their souls. Their partnership is just stable and healthy- the way they listen and understand each other, the way they support each other's' needs- gah, it warms my heart. These two grow together so beautifully- they love each other intensely. They make mistakes, but they work through them- they find a path to one another. My heart ached for them and cheered for them- their love filled my heart up with hope and admiration.
I knew I’d get my Kennedy angst, some suspense and drama, but even then this story still surprised me. This one had so much soul- a deep emotional center. Siobhan gets me every time- but Keanu may be one of my all times favs.
Get ready for tears- Siobhan delivers them! ALL THE STARS!
These Kennedy men and their loves have been THROUGH IT. But no one, perhaps, as much as Kent. His story is unexpected, emotional, riveting, and haunting. This book will rock you- unsettle you, but it will also move you. Because for nine books we’ve blindly watched this character self-destruct, watch him unravel and destroy relationships and cause others pain. While every other Kennedy has found security and stability- found PEACE and contentment- Kent has been standing in the dark, drowning in pain and secrets. Everything we knew about him is wrong- the facade of the womanizing jerk, the partying antagonizer, the hateful and hurtful anti-hero is shattered by this story. And in doing so, Siobhan shatters a piece of us, too.
Kent and Presley are the embodiment of the redemptive and rehabilitative power of unconditional and compassionate love. How love can save and heal. Kent is an undisputed jerk- he knows it, we know it, his family knows it. Heck, even Presley knows it. But Presley awakens something in him- gives him a light, some hope, some freedom. In wooing her, we see the real Kent, as he lets her in, he lets us in too. And this is not a Kent we know- a sweet and vulnerable man with so much heart, a man more fragile than we could ever realize. He’s charming and considerate- the type of man who writes meaningful love notes and sends flowers. A man so easy to love you wonder how no one could see this version of him. And Presley? She’s just as magical- I loved her instantly. This woman, too, has been through it. She’s resilient, compassionate, and SO very loving. But she, too, is fragile...she too has masked pain. Both of these characters are so tragically lonely- surrounded by loving people but somehow entirely alone. Everyone around them has somehow failed them. Until each other- until the love jars them so thoroughly that it gives them hope. Peace. Light. The true connection that both have them have been robbed of their entire lives. And for Kent, oh that hurt my heart- because this amazing family, this beautiful group of men and women I adore, have missed seeing him entirely. And I did, too. Both of these characters are so brave, so beautifully broken, so sweet and courageous. My heart swells with love for them.
What perhaps is the most captivating about Siobhan’s narrative approach is how she contrasts Presley and Kent’s romance with their inner turmoil. There is a beautiful juxtaposition of the sweet and light with the dark and disturbing. The love story here? It is easy- perhaps the easiest we’ve read in the Kennedy series. These two fall fast and quickly for each other- authentically slipping into an easy familiarity, a connection sweet, and pure, and blissfully grounded and mature. There is such a marked lightness, a simplicity to their coupling. Of course, that doesn’t change their baggage- Presley is scared of getting hurt by the notorious playboy, and she has her own past pains. And Kent, oh, sweet Kent just doesn’t want to mess this up- he wants to be WORTHY. But their connection is so electric, so intimate and TENDER- they can’t help but be consumed by it regardless of their fears and turmoil. They jump in so vulnerably, but so naturally. For the first time ever they can just BE. This is chemistry somehow intense and gentle, fierce and soft- they make each other feel it all. And we feel it, too. Siobhan give us that peace, that achingly beautiful sweetness, and then she shrouds us in truths that hurt, painful realities and experiences. The dark “Give me your truths, Kent. Even if those truths hurt. At least it will be real.” And Siobhan gets real- unflinchingly so- she gives us the truths. And they are not easy- they are raw. They hurt. And what was a sweet and innocent love now becomes dangerous to them both- because they unexpectedly find aspects of each other’s lives triggering. Pushing them to do something neither has been able to do before- confronting their pain. And only their love can make it safe to do that- give them the courage.
But Siobhan also shows us that the love of another is not enough on its own- not if you don’t love yourself. Both characters are drowning in aspects of themselves. Alone in the violent waters that have engulfed them. Their connection is so powerful, so catalyzing that it pulls their heads out of the water. Their love inspires survival, is the proverbial life vest in the water- but even so, when you’re drowning you have to be the one to grab the vest. You have to want to be saved, to be willing to save yourself. If not, you still drown. And sometimes you have to break completely before love can glue you back together- before you're ready to reach for survival. THIS. OH THIS. This is what makes Kent and Presley’s story so impactful- the parallel journey of two people sweetly and easily falling in love right alongside the turbulent, painful, and challenging journey of those same two people desperately battling to save themselves, fighting to be brave enough to work on their own stuff so that their hearts can fully belong to each other. Being whole with someone else means also being whole with yourself. Siobhan is giving us a story about one of the most courageous and bravest acts we can take as humans- facing ourselves. It isn’t just surviving life’s tribulations that make us brave, although certainly that alone is magnificent. But for Kent and Presley the greatest act of bravery is doing the self-work it takes to THRIVE despite their adversity. To heal. That is what makes them “truly brave.”
That journey is the reward. Kent and Presley have a love so epic that it rebuilds them, but it also reshapes them. This isn’t just about the two of them putting each other back together- this is about both of them inspiring each other to change how the pieces are assembled. The phoenix rising from the ashes. Being reborn. REFORMED. And you can’t help but feel a little be reformed yourself for having walked this journey with them.
I can not believe it is time to say goodbye to this menagerie of amazing characters. This dramatic, over the top, intrusive and angsty family that I am so addicted to. But I can’t help but marvel at how Siobhan has let this story come full circle. Back to its roots. This whole series hasn't really been about the drama, that soap operative existence of the Kennedy’s- because the drama doesn’t matter. It doesn't define them. What does is how this family grows, evolves, and comes together to survive and thrive despite it. How they figure out how to love each other, and themselves, just right. And in this world, love isn’t always timely, or easy, or neat or normal, but it is restorative, it is liberating. And, most importantly, it is brave. Thank you, Siobhan, for their magic.
PS- this didn't fit anywhere else in this review, but I can't not say that the triplets have now completely stolen this series for me! And this story, this is all of theirs. I adore them.
We know and love Jackson from the stories we’ve already read, but in HIS book we get Jackson 2.0. The same fun loving, snarky, charming lady killer that we all grew to adore, also the same man that we realized was masking some deep emotional baggage that he’s camouflaging with his swagger and penchant for chemically medicating his pain and rage. Here, he’s evolved- we get to see more of his substance and depth. I knew there was more to Jackson, but I had no clue just how nuanced and dynamic Jackson was beneath his sassy veneer. Holy hell- this man moves me. He’s swoon worthy and delicious in the best ways - dirty talker, sexy AF, a veritable Adonis, and I’m pretty sure he could charm on the pants off a snake. But, what really made me swoon was his heart- the little cracks of true depth we see as this story slowly chips away at his facade until this beautiful, tender yet strong man appears. His loyalty, his conviction, his protectiveness combined with a sweetness and gentleness, a delicate and raw vulnerability all worked in perfect concert to create this perfect and soulful symphony of a man. So much depth- he’s more than just a pretty boy. And when he says “ I have something to say….”- lord, hold on to your heart and your panties.
And Nessa. I tear up just thinking about how beautiful of a spirit she is- what a revelation she was for me. I was not prepared to love, admire, and relate to this complex heroine nor for her to be my favorite SB woman. Like so many of us, she just wants to matter to someone, to be worthy of selfless love. To find some real connection in a sea of half truths. She wants to be seen- her pain and survival to be valued. This Nessa is nothing like the party girl Vanessa we had heard about and thought we knew- and even what we DO know about her has been completely misunderstood. We see that she’s sweet and caring, devoted and spirited. She’s also hurt and lost, insecure and tentative. But, at her core, she’s a fighter- not just for herself, but for those she loves, for what is right. I don’t just love her- I FLOVE HER. This says a lot, but I think she’s been through the ringer more than any other SD heroine-she’s broken by it, but not yet shattered. She’s resilient and even after all the harm she’s experienced from this f’ed up Elite world around her, she somehow still unflinchingly opens her heart to someone she knows can, and will, break it- she still has hope at her core. She left me feeling raw and exposed- moved and inspired by her bravery.
And them and a couple- O..MY.GOD. The connection between Jackson and Nessa is emotional, the chemistry explosive. Both characters are coping in harmful ways to try to survive and numb their personal adversity, both have trapped themselves in the protective armour of the allusions they’ve created about themselves so they can protect the truths- that they are hurting, that they are lost, that they are angry and sad. And, both find each other when they are both fighting to shift their lives- each figuring out who they are as adults and people outside of the painful histories that they’ve allowed to define them. And that leads to some earth shattering romance- yes, all the good steam, but even more so it was like watching two perfectly matched souls collide and then slowly weave themselves together thread by delicate thread. Their relationship feels natural and authentic as they become partners, as their love for each other reshapes what they thought was their purpose and helps them heal the pain that has consumed them both. Siobhan’s writing approach here was also nothing short of inspired- the first ½ of the book is intimate and slower paced, mostly one-on-one, with our leads mostly isolated from the pack- which really helps us swim around in this powerful connection before we get too deep into the intrigue and makes the drama to come that much more impactful.
And oh my- I have missed the Rydeville Elite world. Side by side with this touching, vibrant, and dynamic love story we have the seedy drama from the nefarious Elite. We get the page turning action and twists, the “just in time to save” the day moments that keep my heart pounding, and we get this kooky and endearing motley crue of Rydeville couples (and future couples) that have become this intense and functional family who support and protect other. I LOVE this crew- and I’m so glad we get time with each of them. Also- Sawyer REALLY shows up in this story in a fantastic way- and now I can’t wait for what is next from him.
Has this just become my favorite Siobhan story of all time?! This woman consistently rocks me- brings new and exciting characters and heart pounding stories into my life, but Jackson is truly spectacular- a story that I’m still left thinking, still left FEELING in my heart and soul days later. My words will never do it justice, so just pick it up and find out for yourself- you’ll find that the story of Jackson and Vanessa is surprising and shattering, beautiful and sweet- Siobhan, you continue to amaze me, but you've shattered and rebuilt my heart with this epic tale of two individuals recovering from their pain while also discovering themselves in their love for each other. I LOVE THIS STORY SO MUCH. I can’t wait to see what is in store next!
This book is full of constant twists and turns- and we all know the soul crushing cliffy that had us all agonizing for months, so I won’t reveal too much here. That said, we have everything we loved about the first installment- we have a kick ass heroine who is so unabashedly herself who OWNS being the star of her own story, we have the delicious, devious, magnetic, and dangerous Sainthood boys Saint, Galen, Caz, and Theo, you an action packed plot with more twists than a pack of twizzlers, a whole bunch of characters whose motivations and interests are constantly keeping your on your toes, and heart pounding reverse harem romance full of SO much yummy goodness smack dab in the middle of scary and action packed gang war. YES, Siobhan- QUEEN!
But, this story felt even more fulfilling for me. I LOVED Harlow from day 1- she owns her sexuality, she’s brazen and bold and fearless, unapologetic about who she is and what she wants- she’s a survivor who has reclaimed her own narrative. At the beginning and end of last book, we got to see into the deeper recesses of Harlow’s heart, which she’s carefully packaged up and booby trapped time and again. We saw her make an epic decision to follow her heart instead of her mind- and this book we get to explore this side of her more fully- sure, it softens her some, but we get to see the fuller spectrum of who Harlow really is, we get to see her be more emotionally driven and (slightly) more open, we get to explore who Harlow is when she’s not the fighting loner. Girl is smart, a spitfire, and so deeply nuanced and carefully constructed by Siobhan- she’s my favorite Siobhan heroine ever, and DAMN, love that we get to see her skills, too.
And our guys. NEED A COLD SHOWER, because ladies, we get their POV this time, and OMG, Siobhan, what a gift. If you were like me and felt like we didn’t truly KNOW some of our men (and didn’t want all them for Harlow evenly), then you’ll love getting to know our boys more, especially Theo and Galen, even more of Caz. We learn more about who they are and what has been driving them, more about their feelings and emotions, and we understand better how they all fit together, like a beautiful, jagged, scratched up puzzle. I loved the rough, animalistic connection we saw with the men and Harlow in book one, but in this book, we scratch deep under their chemistry to understand their souls, and I find myself drawn to each of them in different ways, even when they do unimaginable (or unforgivable) things.
And LORDY, Siobhan is the QUEEN of cliffangers. We don’t just dangle on the edge in her cliffies- we’re violently shoved over the edge into a dark abyss, bleeding on the rocks below while we wait for the sweet live-saving CPR that we know we’ll get in the next book. I CAN NOT WAIT.
Siobhan has shown time and time again she is the queen of RH- she’s truly shaking and redefining the genre with new and compelling stories, this is truly a series I will love and reread for years to come. I NEED BOOK 3 NOW!!!
From the very first chapter of this series (in Resurrection), I knew this series would be ground breaking. That first chapter was perhaps the strongest, most engrossing first chapter I’ve ever read in a romance series. You knew this was special, that Siobhan was making magic, you knew this was going to be genre defining. The Sainthood series are not books- they are an experience. As our story comes to a close, I can do nothing but applaud Siobhan Davis for the masterpiece she’s created, with every book being even better than the last. These characters, this story, have become a part of me.
Somehow Siobhan has both delivered on everything I wanted and shocked me all at once. To say anything about the plot would be not only a betrayal to Siobhan but also a betrayal to you, dear reader. You deserve to experience this as it is intended to be experienced- with you on your guard, mesmerizingly anxious, completely off kilter. So you won’t get details from me- but we all know where this is going, the quest to destroy Sinner side by side with figuring out the dynamic of this harem. The narrative is no holds barred- the stakes are high, and Siobhan isn’t scared to show us this, over and over. The story unfolds at a breakneck pace, a beautiful mix of jaw dropping action and deeply resonant emotional moments. This book is a tornado of energy and emotion- I cried happy tears, frustrated tears, and even devastated ones. I was rocked.
The characters have really defined this series- Siobhan has created them so lovingly, with such nuance and complexity, and in this conclusion we not only get to watch the magic of them growing individually but also get to see them settling in as a newly minted 5-person unit. Siobhan gives LOTs of time and space for these relationships to breathe in this final book, a beautiful juxtaposition of dark and sweetness permeates these pages. Each individual pair gets time to be further defined and strengthened, while also making space to explore this group as a unit- the formation of an unbreakable chosen family bond. The sexy times are the hottest I’ve read from her- MY GOODNESS. But what I loved even more was the embracing of emotional vulnerability now that they all fully trust one another- this is PURE character magic. Siobhan fully cracks each of these characters open until we can see the beat of the hearts in their open chests. These are characters who are hard to love, but who love each other easily. Characters who have doubted their own worthiness, their own potential to sacrifice and care for another, but whose connection inspires them to do it naturally. We see how love is not easy- in fact, the chaotic and explosive plot is a beautiful allegory to just how HARD loving someone else is, let alone many someones. In Reign, love is about teamwork and partnership, and that partnership inspires the capacity for change. We get to see the magic of what happens when each of these hardened, hurt individuals let down their walls and form an unbreakable unit- and my god, it is consuming and captivating. I could feel these characters breathing next to me, they are so real to me. There is no greater harem than this one. SO much sizzling chemistry, real and profound emotion, and profound complexity.
What I loved most about this final chapter, however, is how decidedly feminist this narrative is- how this is a story about the power and strength of one woman. And that comes down to this series' most beautiful element- Harlow. Harlow is a QUEEN- one of the most original, most complex, most interesting, and most inspiring heroines I’ve read in a romance novel to date. She’s truly unparalleled. And Siobhan isn’t scared to let this be her story- to let her reign. Harlow centers these alpha, dominant, scary men- their relationship is on her terms, their choices are her choices, their direction her call. Because Reign is a beautiful representation of a woman unapologetically embracing her power as a woman, and those that love her willingly giving up some of their own to ensure that she is the master of her journey. Sure, Harlow has always been a fighter- a ball busting powerhouse who owns her sexuality, who is unabashed about who she is, who is strong and fierce and a FORCE. But I love how Siobhan has bookended her character’s evolution to tell a more complex character journey. Her story with this world began with her kidnapping- robbing her of her worldview, her innocence, her physical and emotional safety- taking away her own power, her own control. With each book, we’ve seen how Harlow has sought to reclaim that- Harlow on the defensive, arming herself with the physical and emotional weapons she needs to ensure her power is never stripped from her again. That was all at risk when she found herself entangled in this web- as we found her in book 1 fighting to control her own story when faced with these misogynistic gangs, as the guys, as Sinner, and Darrow, even Diesel and her father sought to control her. Yes, even those protecting her tried to control her, with secrets, with half truths, with deceit. We’ve seen Harlow resist, control herself and her own vulnerability to protect herself, something we explored in book 2. And in this final book, we see Harlow FULLY unleashed, on the offensive- and my, what a glorious sight to behold. Because Harlow has fully reclaimed her path- a journey catalyzed both because she now recognizes that there is strength in vulnerability, she can let others in and still be powerful, but also because her guys finally recognize that in order to love Harlow, in order to protect her, they don’t need to control her- they need to let her unleash herself, by giving her the power to be the hero. This is the story of Harlow becoming her own hero, and it is by far one of the most remarkable and riveting character journeys I’ve read.
So, Siobhan- Sláinte! Reign is everything I needed and more. I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails off, flabbergasted at the twists- but even more importantly, I was both emotionally challenged and rewarded. You have set the bar for what is possible in storytelling so high, I’m not sure anyone else but you can surpass it.
Seriously, I can't give much away, but this is one of the most interesting, complex, unexpected, and HOT RH stories I've ever read. The first ...
Seriously, I can't give much away, but this is one of the most interesting, complex, unexpected, and HOT RH stories I've ever read. The first chapter alone was scorching- I needed a cold shower. What a way to start the story!
And guys, Harlow is one of my favorite heroines of all time. She's uniquely broken and vulnerable but incredible secure in herself, in who she is, and she's unapologetic about what she wants. She's brave and bold in the face of incredible scrutiny and expectations. She's resilient despite all the crap that comes her way- with her dad, her mom, the trolls at school, and the boys. I've never respected a character as much as I respect her- even though she's the antithesis of what I normally look for in my heroines. She's tough as nails, radically bold, a sexual powerhouse and unapologetic about her sex drive, determined, and so poised and self-confident. It takes a woman as strong as her to put these boys on their knees- but she's also still vulnerable and kind- she's just so nuanced and complex, and I love her.
And the Sainthood boys, Saint Lennox, Galen Lennox, Caz Evans and Theo Smith. All interesting, mysterious, and magnetic in their own way. We don't get to know much of what is in their heads in this book because it is from Harlow's POV (we get some bonus POV at the end, though)- but this is a good thing, because like Harlow we're trying to figure out just who they are, what is motivating them, and what is true vs. an act. They are a well oiled unit and a package deal yet still competitive with each other. They are hard and scary and heartless one second and tender the next. Each also has some complexities we don't fully understand or get just yet. Right now, I deeply love Saint and am drawn to him way more than the others- although I have a feeling there is much to Theo that will let him become my favorite later. But each has a role in Harlow's needs, and when they somehow finally end up as one solid unit, world watch out!
Fair warning- there are many secrets left to figure out and this books ends on a MASSIVE and painful cliff hanger. I've been dying for months waiting on book 2, but it is coming out really soon so get this and start it now! Siobhan is the queen of insane and mind blowing cliffies, but she always delivers with an even better book 2. I can't imagine it getting any better, but I"m ready!
So, let's dig in, shall we?
Of course, we'll start here- fans will be RAVENOUS for this multi-chapter bonus novella that takes place with Harlow and her men 12 years after the conclusion of Reign. And it is EVERYTHING I ever wanted and more.
This novella is such a fresh and novel depiction of these characters- and SO much emotion packed into it. I cried like a baby- multiple times. Siobhan does something very clever- she shows us what these characters look like and act like in domestic bliss. Gone is the over the top drama and crazy dangerous and dark story conflicts. We see them in their real life daily struggles- something we've never seen before, but WOW, it was powerful. And PERFECT. Because we see that they are just the people we know and love- but they've also grown and developed in this happiness and stability. I didn't think I could love them anymore- but Siobhan surprises me yet again. And I was profoundly moved, too. Not the novella I anticipated, because it is SO MUCH MORE.
SERIES REVIEW: (all 3 books were 5-star reads)
From the very first chapter of this series (in Resurrection), I knew this series would be ground breaking. That first chapter was perhaps the strongest, most engrossing first chapter I’ve ever read in a romance series. You knew this was special, that Siobhan was making magic, you knew this was going to be genre defining. The Sainthood series are not books- they are an experience. As our story comes to a close, I can do nothing but applaud Siobhan Davis for the masterpiece she’s created, with every book being even better than the last. These characters, this story, have become a part of me.
At this conclusion, somehow Siobhan has both delivered on everything I wanted and shocked me all at once. To say anything about the plot would be not only a betrayal to Siobhan but also a betrayal to you, dear reader. You deserve to experience this as it is intended to be experienced- with you on your guard, mesmerizingly anxious, completely off kilter. The narrative is no holds barred- the stakes are high, and Siobhan isn’t scared to show us this, over and over. The story unfolds at a breakneck pace, a beautiful mix of jaw dropping action and deeply resonant emotional moments. I was rocked.
The characters have really defined this series- Siobhan has created them so lovingly, with such nuance and complexity, and in this conclusion we not only get to watch the magic of them growing individually but also get to see them settling in as a newly minted 5-person unit. Siobhan gives LOTs of time and space for these relationships to breathe in this final book, a beautiful juxtaposition of dark and sweetness permeates these pages. Each individual pair gets time to be further defined and strengthened, while also making space to explore this group as a unit- the formation of an unbreakable chosen family bond. The sexy times are the hottest I’ve read from her- MY GOODNESS. But what I loved even more was the embracing of emotional vulnerability over time as the series progresses- this is PURE character magic. Siobhan fully cracks each of these characters open until we can see the beat of the hearts in their open chests. These are characters who are hard to love, but who love each other easily. Characters who have doubted their own worthiness, their own potential to sacrifice and care for another, but whose connection inspires them to do it naturally. We see how love is not easy- in fact, the chaotic and explosive plot is a beautiful allegory to just how HARD loving someone else is, let alone many someones. By Reign, love is about teamwork and partnership, and that partnership inspires the capacity for change. We get to see the magic of what happens when each of these hardened, hurt individuals let down their walls and form an unbreakable unit- and my god, it is consuming and captivating. I could feel these characters breathing next to me, they are so real to me. There is no greater harem than this one. SO much sizzling chemistry, real and profound emotion, and profound complexity.
What I loved most about this series, however, is how decidedly feminist this narrative is- how this is a story about the power and strength of one woman. And that comes down to this series' most beautiful element- Harlow. Harlow is a QUEEN- one of the most original, most complex, most interesting, and most inspiring heroines I’ve read in a romance novel to date. She’s truly unparalleled. And Siobhan isn’t scared to let this be her story- to let her reign. Harlow centers these alpha, dominant, scary men- their relationship is on her terms, their choices are her choices, their direction her call. Because Reign is a beautiful representation of a woman unapologetically embracing her power as a woman, and those that love her willingly giving up some of their own to ensure that she is the master of her journey. Sure, Harlow has always been a fighter- a ball busting powerhouse who owns her sexuality, who is unabashed about who she is, who is strong and fierce and a FORCE. But I love how Siobhan has bookended her character’s evolution to tell a more complex character journey. Her story with this world began with her kidnapping- robbing her of her worldview, her innocence, her physical and emotional safety- taking away her own power, her own control. With each book, we’ve seen how Harlow has sought to reclaim that- Harlow on the defensive, arming herself with the physical and emotional weapons she needs to ensure her power is never stripped from her again. That was all at risk when she found herself entangled in this web- as we found her in book 1 fighting to control her own story when faced with these misogynistic gangs, as the guys, as Sinner, and Darrow, even Diesel and her father sought to control her. Yes, even those protecting her tried to control her, with secrets, with half truths, with deceit. We’ve seen Harlow resist, control herself and her own vulnerability to protect herself, something we explored in book 2. And in this final book, we see Harlow FULLY unleashed, on the offensive- and my, what a glorious sight to behold. Because Harlow has fully reclaimed her path- a journey catalyzed both because she now recognizes that there is strength in vulnerability, she can let others in and still be powerful, but also because her guys finally recognize that in order to love Harlow, in order to protect her, they don’t need to control her- they need to let her unleash herself, by giving her the power to be the hero. This is the story of Harlow becoming her own hero, and it is by far one of the most remarkable and riveting character journeys I’ve read.
So, Siobhan- Sláinte! I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails off, flabbergasted at the twists- but even more importantly, I was both emotionally challenged and rewarded from this series. You have set the bar for what is possible in storytelling so high, I’m not sure anyone else but you can surpass it.
Like all Siobhan stories, this one is FULL of surprises, this story is action packed with tons of twists, danger, betrayal, and jaw dropping surprises, and I’m not going to give you a single hint! But these characters, I just LOVED them. Siobhan is one of my favorite heroine writers of all time- she brings such nuances and layers of strength to the women in her stories, and Sierra is one of my favorites she’s written. She’s everything I want in a mafia leading lady- she’s tender, empathetic, sweet, exuding a charming vulnerability and open heartedness. She’s the “light” of the story- but she is far from weak. There’s a solid tenacity that underscores her light- this is a woman who won’t compromise on her beliefs, and who refuses to be walked over- she has steel when she needs it, and softness when she doesn’t. I love her contrasts, and I loved her open heart.
But BEN- oh Ben. He’s the swooniest mafia man I’ve ever read. I love how Siobhan constructs him- she lets him have the framings of a mafia boss- the darkness, the possessive alpha dominance, the capacity to do deplorable things- but this doesn’t define him as a character. Because Ben is still a hero-in really nuanced and interesting ways that contrast with the trope standard. AND HE IS SO DREAMY. Sexy, dark, and dangerous- just enough edge to keep us on our toes. But Siohan gives him nuance, makes him more defined than just a “mafia boss” archetype. He’s also incredibly self-aware emotionally, progressive in his leadership, and he loves with a charming romantic streak that has me sighing with delight. Unlike other mafia heroes who lack the capacity to love, Ben has it in spades- he just chooses to repress it, out of stoic responsibility and a grounded understanding of the perils of his life. But his firefly, the sweet little Sierra, arouses his protective instincts, thrusting a man capable of an epic love to confront fate. And when this man's full emotional range is unleashed- HOLD ON TO YOUR OVARIES! Total dark hero dreamboat.
These two are So hot together-and Siobhan so smartly invests in their shared history so we really understand the emotional intimacy between them. They share a solid and enchanting connection that just cannot be severed- irregardless of time, adversity, or difference. They are magic together- there’s a dynamic pull between them that I felt jump off the page, and it is just SO romantic. And so well matched. Sierra just wants to be SEEN, to have a love that is healthy, that is pure- and what irony that she finds herself loving a man who once belonged to another and now has erased love as a possibility. Her capacity to love wholly, nonjudgmentally and unconditionally, makes her the perfect match for our mafia man, Ben- a man who has always seen her for the beautiful creature she is, and a man who makes sacrifices for her in ways no one else will, just when she needs it. AND THEY ARE HOT- sexy, but also really tender and sweet in places. I could not get enough of them and this world- and there are some secondary characters that are just begging to have their own stories- I just want Siobhan to dwell in this mafia world forever.
This story seems to be written with so much thoughtful care- a carefully architected and well paced plot that twisted and turned and had me hanging on the edge of my seat, interesting and unexpected characters whose emotional journeys captured my heart, and intentional, and clearly well researched, mafia world building that consumed and enchanted me. Siobhan Davis and mafia were a pairing clearly meant to be, and I, for one, am desperate for more! Condemned to Love was delicious and delightful romantic entertainment- more more more!
While this story features a different couple than the first two Folkestone books, this shouldn’t be read as a standalone. Sunday and Payne’s romance begins two books ago, their history spanning long before those first pages, and the actions and events that happened in the prior duet are a very heavy part of Restless Things. This story doesn't’ miss a beat- it dives right back into the heirs drama, all of the elite intrigue and corruption that these young friends are deep in the thick of. Poe and Stella’s story left us with a giant cliffhanger that careened us straight into where this story began. Heirs secrets yet again dismantling the very fragile trust and security these teens have.
To be honest, I was surprised at how quickly we were getting some answers, as many secrets and mistruths are exposed early on in this story. And, while I love finding out answers, it left me a smidge unsettled- because nothing is as it seems in the heirs world. Did this mean that Sunday and Payne’s story was going to be less interwoven with heirs machinations? Or did that mean even deeper, darker, and more complicated secrets awaited? You’ll need to dig in to find out just what these truths mean for our core characters, but if we’ve learned anything by know it is that no relationship in this world is easy. Not even Payne and Sunday’s- not even the childhood best friends.
Of course, this love story is different from Poe and Stella’s because Sunday and Payne are best friends- friends who already know many of the light and dark aspects of one another’s stories. That makes the stakes of their connection higher - because exploring their complicated feelings means risking one of their only sources of comfort, one of their only safe places- their friendship. As I mentioned we get a lot of secrets exposed and some new information comes out early- and it left me wondering, then, just what was going to be the central drama of this story. But then I realized the tension Samantha is exploring in this leg of their romantic journey- because nothing is as dangerous, as risky, as destroying one of the only pure, safe, and true connections you have in a world of corruption and deceit. And that becomes a key source of angsty drama-and Samantha does something really smart, she recognizes these characters can’t truly explore that until they have a “beat”- until they have a moment.
While their stories have spanned multiple books, this is the first time we get to spend a book inside both of their heads. Flashbacks and quiet moments help us learn more about the circumstances that have shaped them, and a bit more about them as people. We still get Sunday’s feisty fierceness, but we also see a far more vulnerable character. And Payne’s heart is far more gentle and optimistic than I expected- he’s got a swoony quality to him. I love them both- and feel fiercely protective over them. After the ways they’ve shown up for their friends...and each other...these are two characters who deserve some peace...some happy. I don’t think we fully “know” them just yet either, so I’m excited to continue to dig deeper into them both in the next book.
Yet again Samantha proves herself as an artist of the written word- this story is just beautifully scribed. Evocative imagery and meticulous emotional tension permeate the pages- and like the prior books in the series, Samantha really artfully juxtaposes tone to create a dynamic experience- the familiar warmth of these friends contrats so vividly with the foreboding melancholy of the world around them. The flashbacks in particular are powerfully engaging, and, until our epic final few scenes, they really serve as the story’s emotional center and key lever for characterization.
Just when I think I get what this story is going to be about, we are very quickly catapulted over the edge of a cliffy that I was not quite anticipating- and I’m still trying to figure out just what I think about it and what it means for the broader narrative of this couple. But I do know I’ll be anxiously awaiting the story that is next- because these two are so dear, and I will do anything for them to find an HEA.
4.5 stars
We do have two storylines told in parallel, which I know can make some readers impatient. I sometimes find that it stunts my emotional engagement simply because I’m moving my focus between different storylines. But here I actually appreciated it- in part because their two stories are interconnected and thematically tied, and also because in truth this story felt more ensemble in nature, with the romances just part of the dynamic. This is a romance, don’t get me wrong, but we also are exploring themes of self-identity and friendship and family. Kayedence also uses this narrative approach to beautifully juxtapose not only their evolution of each of their romances but also their own character growth and discovery- two very different women going through a similar self-awareness exploration. There are a few tonal shifts that jolted me a bit, but otherwise this was a fun, witty, and sweet story. Really clever and creative writing.
I read this for the romance, but I left inspired by the focus Kaydence gave to the sisterhood of these two women- their budding relationship and the way they inspire and support one another. The characterization is really stellar, both Alex and Toni are nuanced and interesting, the dynamism of their characters only accentuated by their character contrasts, and this made this story so much more than a sexy romance (all though it as it) but one about self-discovery and acceptance, finding your purpose, and the power of connection.
Kaydence Snow is wildly talented, and I’m excited for more and more readers to find her. She’s demonstrated a impressive versatility in the work she’s created thus far, has proven to be a fantastic world and character builders, and she brings an emotional gravitas- a meaningful point of view- to the stories she creates, no matter how sexy or fun they are on the surface. Just Be Her is another testament to her creativity and talent. This one left me feeling all happy- and grateful I found her stories!
Overall 4.5 stars- really enjoyed this read!
I’ve been so excited for Harlow’s story, because of all the Devil’s Bend girls she’s always been the biggest mystery to me. She’s not as loud and flashy as Amaya or Donna, nor as emotional open as Mena- she keeps her cards close. And now, Kaydence exposes her secrets as we discover Harlow has found herself coerced into a plot much bigger than her- one that forces her to cross ethical and legal lines to protect her family. Subject to the machinations of her mysterious puppet master, she finds herself partnering with an unexpected ally- Easton, the sexy, tatted teacher as her elite high school who has also been blackmailed into serving the plot of their shared enemy.
This is by far my favorite Kaydence couple to date. I adore Harlow- ADORE her. She’s every bit as fierce and powerful as her sister, but Kaydence creates a power in a totally different way. Her bravery and strength come from her quiet resolve, her stoic loyalty, and her unflinching ability to extemporize solutions in the face of seemingly unsolvable situations. She’s also just incredibly likable in her easy going patience- she’s just incredibly level and steady, admirable in this crazy, dramatic situation they are in. And Easton is SO SWOONY. His integrity, his protective instincts and moral compass, make him such a dreamy hero. I love that he’s supportive of Harlow- that despite their age and gender he treats her as a partner. And man is SEEEXY.
The way Kaydence builds their chemistry is really smart. His pull to Harlow comes from a place of care and support at first- the need to protect an innocent- but he too starts to admire her. There is such an ease and comfort in their connection- they really build this steady friendship. They see and understand each other in ways that others don’t- and they find comfort in understanding each other. Safety and care. So much so, that this really didn’t feel very taboo at all- danger and friendship beget a romantic connection, one that both aren’t expected but surprisingly lean into. They find strength in one another.
I truly love this couple and story, but the ending seemed a bit rushed to me. The romance is a slower burn (which makes sense given the taboo nature), so we have a lot of anticipation for both the coupling and what we know will be a big climatic moment with their shared foe. The big reveal felt a but underwhelming to me, and when the story concluded I felt like I was missing a few chapters because we have so many unanswered questions and loose ends. Of course, some of those loose ends have to do with the overarching plot of this series, but some felt more particular to this couple/their story, and I’d liked a bit more HEA time and a bit more mystery resolution. But, truly, the story overall was fantastic, and a great 5 star read for me until the conclusion. I still loved them and this story despite wanting a bit more resolution.
Overall, a great story- and again, my fav couple to date in this series. We’ve still got SO many answers to figure out with the bigger plotline around Best Lyfe- and I know Amaya is going to surprise us all with her story!
<4.5 Stars>