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The formatting of my books for each different platform and the marketing for me. It can take longer to format than it does to write some of the books. I do struggle to market my books outside of my Facebook blog, however the followers of my blog do recommend my books to their family and friends. I do need to have a break from writing to make more of an effort promoting my books.
 on 4/7/21

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The marketing side, I'm useless at it. Having said that, indie publishing got me into social media, which I'd avoided like the plague before. Now I'm a member of several writers' groups on Facebook, am on Goodreads and Binge Books and have an Instagram page to show the covers of my books and write-ups of them. I've also made a couple of really good writer friends that way, who I wouldn't have missed knowing for the world. One of them has become both friend and mentor, and it was due to her that I began writing and publishing poetry, which I never thought would happen in a mill...

The marketing side, I'm useless at it. Having said that, indie publishing got me into social media, which I'd avoided like the plague before. Now I'm a member of several writers' groups on Facebook, am on Goodreads and Binge Books and have an Instagram page to show the covers of my books and write-ups of them. I've also made a couple of really good writer friends that way, who I wouldn't have missed knowing for the world. One of them has become both friend and mentor, and it was due to her that I began writing and publishing poetry, which I never thought would happen in a million years. But I still wish I had a marketing professional on my team.
 on 4/1/21
True. Self pubbing does push us out of our comfort zone. Although, I post on my fb page and group, I'm not really good at it. Some posts do better than others, most of the time, the same three people respond all the time. A marketing professional is on my wishlist :-)
 on 4/5/21

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I totally suck at marketing. Just when I begin to understand and implement something, it all changes and I have to start all over again. 🤦🏻‍♀️
 on 3/29/21
Totally agree. What platform do you find the easiest to navigate?
 on 4/5/21

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When friends who read every book they get their hands on won't even touch mine :(
 on 3/26/21
Same here. Or friends won't buy it on Kindle for just $2.99 even though I've bought their kid's fund raiser cookie dough for years!
 on 3/27/21
Right? What Cherry says...
 on 4/5/21
I just try to tell myself they're not the people I'm writing for. My readers are out there, just not as close as I wished :/
 on 4/8/21

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Marketing. I seriously hate it.
 on 3/26/21
Yep, but a necessary evil. What do you find is the most successful avenue for you? I've signed up for Bryan Cohen's Amazon ad course and saw a moderate uptick in sales/pages read.
 on 4/5/21

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