Whatever Gets You Through the Night

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

Genres: Women's Fiction
Available in:
  • eBook
  • Paperback


At 26, newlywed Bari Jordan has achieved more than most women her age, especially when she lands a highly-coveted position as an advertising executive at one of New York City's top companies. But the long hours takes lots of time away from her perfect husband Earl and their love nest. Her high school sweetheart is having trouble of his own working for his father at their family-owned paper mill and struggling with unresolved family problems that have tormented him since childhood.

With no one at home to talk to and Bari too busy climbing the corporate ladder of success, Earl begins to feel alone. Not to mention his ego is challenged when he loses his job and Bari becomes the sole breadwinner.

After Earl is lured into an underground world of deception, he emerges as a dark, sinister stranger to Bari--terrorizing her and spiraling their relationship into an emotional abyss. And when Bari's life becomes at stake, she turns to a Jamaican spiritualist for help. But will the spiritualist and the talisman that her grandmother handed down to her be enough to save her from a path where even angels would fear to tread?

Release date: July 1, 2010

Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group

Print pages: 384

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