We all have truths, but do we understand why we have them? Protect them? Never evolve past them? This journey allows the reader to take themselves to the edge of their knowledge and challenges them to lean out beyond their established truth. This offering is unique as it creates a logical progression and foundational understanding of self by asking the reader a series of questions and allowing them to author the discovery of their own wisdom. In this age of technology, we expect everything fast, so it is normal for us to want to find answers to questions about our reality quickly or use someone else’s answers before we move on to the next challenge. This journey is for those who are not comfortable with using the solutions of others and still seek their answers. The challenge starts by repeatedly asking questions too difficult to have answered by someone outside yourself. The author starts this journey with you by asking you to examine your truth tribes, who created these truths, and what emotions you have tied to them. In short, what truth do you defend today which was not taught to you by someone within one of your tribes? In this offering, you are presented examples and series of questions as guides in ways to move your reality from a world of various perspectives and truths to an understanding of your own wisdom about the reality where you have chosen to live. Truth Tribes provides the potential for leaps of evolution in your own search for the pure substance of yourself and a meaning to your true wisdom for this life. The author goes on to explain why this can not be given to you by any saint, guru, doctor, or even the author himself. This is about the discovery of your wisdom and no one is in a better position to discover what that means to you…except for you! Are you ready to expand? Do you want out of the box of reality created for you by your tribes? Your wisdom awaits…